Articles by Megan McArdle, Bloomberg View

Viewpoint: Employers Rejecting Marijuana Users Will Pay a Price

In Youngstown, Ohio, the employment problem is not a shortage of jobs. Nor is it a shortage of workers. The problem is not stingy employers who don’t want to pay enough to attract good workers. Nor is the problem that …

Why Regulation Is Good for Driverless Cars

You don’t often hear a libertarian praising a federal regulator when it starts offering “guidance” and “coordination” for some innovative industry. Well, mark your calendars, folks, because here goes: The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is preparing to get deeper …

How Ruling That Drivers Are Employees Upends Uber Business Model

If you’re a freelance writer who occasionally sells articles to a website, are you actually an employee? If you live in California, I think the answer might be — yes? The California Labor commissioner has ruled that Uber drivers are …

Insurers Tracking Fitness: Too Accurate for Comfort?

Someday soon, Big Brother may be watching you. Only his name will be “John Hancock.” The insurer is rolling out a program in the U.S. similar to ones already deployed in other parts of the world, where your life insurer …

Insurance Can’t Protect Libertarian’s Dream of Unlimited Liability: McArdle

If you run in libertarian circles, you hear a lot about lawsuits. It’s the obvious recourse for anyone who wants less regulation but can’t bring themselves to insist that, say, chemical companies should be allowed to dump toxic waste into …

Technology, Not Presidents, Drives Healthcare Costs

Last week I attended Brookings Papers on Economic Activity to watch some of the smartest economists in America debate some of the most interesting papers. The very first paper presented is of particularly timely interest: “Is This Time Different? The …