Articles by Melinda Deslatte

Louisiana School Superintendents Seeking Looser Quarantine Rules

Leaders of several Louisiana public school systems have called on state officials to relax coronavirus quarantine rules that have sent thousands of students home from school because they have been in close proximity to someone who tested positive for COVID-19. …

Louisiana Virus Aid Funds Run Low with Small Business, Local Requests Unmet

Louisiana will run out of federal coronavirus money before it pays out grants to all eligible small businesses and local government agencies seeking dollars from COVID-19 aid programs created by Gov. John Bel Edwards and lawmakers. Officials running the programs …

Judge: Louisiana Governor Can Renew Virus Restrictions, for Now

A Louisiana judge has declined to stop Gov. John Bel Edwards from renewing his COVID-19 restrictions amid a legal feud with House Republicans over the rules. Baton Rouge-based state district Judge William Morvant refused on Nov. 4 to issue a …

Louisiana Gov. Edwards Rejects Legislation Giving Lawmakers More Emergency Power

Gov. John Bel Edwards has vetoed the centerpiece bill of Louisiana’s just-ended special session, a measure seeking to give lawmakers more authority in a governor’s emergency decisions, including the ability to jettison individual coronavirus restrictions. The Democratic governor’s decision was …

COVID-19 Legislative Session in Louisiana Began This Week

Only three months removed from their last gathering, Louisiana legislators returned Monday for a special session focused on the coronavirus outbreak, with deepening rifts between Gov. John Bel Edwards and Republican lawmakers over the appropriate response to the pandemic. The …

11K People Seek State Shelter in Louisiana After Hurricane Laura

Growing numbers of Louisiana residents are turning to the state to find a place to stay after Hurricane Laura ravaged the state’s southwestern region, wrecking homes, ripping away roofs and leaving hundreds of thousands without utility access. In addition to …

Analysis: Louisiana Nursing Homes Have Coronavirus Vulnerability from Staff

As Louisiana tries to protect vulnerable nursing home residents from coronavirus outbreaks, the facilities still have a significant source of risk for new infections. Hundreds of employees coming and going each day have refused to take a virus test. Gov. …

Louisiana Governor Approves New Limits on Car Accident Lawsuits

Gov. John Bel Edwards in July signed into law changes to Louisiana’s civil litigation rules aimed at restraining the money people can win against insurance companies and businesses in car accident lawsuits. The Democratic governor had vetoed an earlier, more …

Grant Program Now Open for Louisiana Small Businesses Harmed by Virus

Louisiana small businesses that have been hammered by the coronavirus outbreak and haven’t received federal aid can start applying for grants up to $15,000 to cover pandemic-related expenses, under a program created by state lawmakers. Grants in the $275 million, …

Louisiana Governor Extends Mask Rule, Virus Restrictions to Aug. 7

Gov. John Bel Edwards has said that he’ll keep Louisiana’s mask mandate and business restrictions in place for at least two more weeks, as the number of coronavirus patients at hospitals surges in all regions of the state. The Democratic …