Articles by Melinda Deslatte

Louisiana Governor Approves New Limits on Car Accident Lawsuits

Gov. John Bel Edwards has signed the business lobby’s main priority of the last election cycle into law, changes to Louisiana’s civil litigation rules aimed at lessening the money people can win against insurance companies and businesses in car accident …

Louisiana Governor: Masks Required, Bars to Be Closed Statewide

Gov. John Bel Edwards has ratcheted up Louisiana’s restrictions to combat the coronavirus’s spread, instituting a statewide mask mandate, putting tougher limits on group gatherings and shuttering bars. The tightened requirements took effect on July 13. The order is aimed …

Treasurer: Louisiana Small Business Grant Program to Begin in July

Some small businesses harmed by the coronavirus pandemic should start seeing grants from a $300 million federally financed program as soon as next month, Louisiana’s state treasurer said. The money is part of $1.8 billion in direct congressional relief that …

Governor Signs Louisiana Bills Shielding Businesses from Virus Lawsuits

Louisiana businesses are receiving state protection from most lawsuits involving COVID-19 deaths or injuries, after Gov. John Bel Edwards signed into law a package of measures that provides the sweeping liability limitations. Three Republican-sponsored bills offering the lawsuit shields won …

Louisiana Lawmakers Block Bill Allowing Lawsuits Against Officers

A Louisiana lawmaker’s effort to eliminate police officers’ wide immunity from lawsuits and allow people injured by law enforcement to sue for damages in civil court was shelved by Republicans on a state House committee. The House civil law committee …

New Law Expands Access to Medical Marijuana in Louisiana

More Louisiana residents will have access to medical marijuana under a significant expansion of the state’s therapeutic cannabis program that was signed into law by Gov. John Bel Edwards. The changes in the law, which take effect in August, allow …

$300M Small Business Aid Plan Signed by Louisiana Governor

Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards has signed a Republican-crafted plan to spend $300 million in federal coronavirus aid to help small businesses recover from the outbreak, agreeing to a grant program that peeled off dollars he initially planned to use …

After Veto, Louisiana GOP Lawmakers Try Again for Auto Crash Lawsuit Limits

Despite a veto from the governor, the Louisiana House has plowed ahead with a top priority for business lobbying groups, trying to lessen the money that people could win against insurance companies and businesses in car wreck lawsuits. Democratic Gov. …

Louisiana Governor Rejects Car Accident Tort Reform Bill

Gov. John Bel Edwards on June 12 vetoed eight bills passed by Louisiana lawmakers in their recently ended regular session, including the business lobby’s top priority, a measure to scale back damage claims against insurance companies in car accident lawsuits. …

Mistake in Louisiana Auto Crash Bill Could Cause Higher Damage Awards

After a last-minute scramble to pass the business lobby’s top priority for the regular session, Republican legislators quickly realized they mangled the language of the bill aimed at limiting damage claims against insurance companies in car wreck lawsuits. Now, GOP …