Articles by Melinda Deslatte

Louisiana Republicans, Business Aligned on Auto Insurance, Tort Reform

Business groups see an opportunity with the new, more conservative Republican-led Louisiana Legislature to gain traction on a top goal, to rein in civil lawsuits and damage awards against them. GOP lawmakers have made the idea their top priority for …

Auto Insurance Reform, Minimum Wage Hike on Louisiana Governor’s Legislative Agenda

Gov. John Bel Edwards said on March 2 that he would renew his fight to raise Louisiana’s minimum wage in the upcoming legislative session, but he offered little insight into whether he would agree to Republican demands to rewrite the …

New Limits on Lawsuits a Goal for Louisiana Republicans

After an election season in which conservative Republicans made Louisiana’s high car insurance rates a campaign issue, GOP lawmakers expect efforts to try to limit damages awarded in car wreck lawsuits to be front and center in the 2020 legislative …

Analysis: Louisiana Government Cyberattack Could Have Been Worse

The cyberattack on Louisiana’s state government computer servers disrupted agency operations and made going to the Office of Motor Vehicles even more headache-inducing than usual. But it was nowhere near the worst-case scenario, of widespread data theft and crippled government …

Cost of Medical Marijuana Questioned in Louisiana

Three months after medical marijuana became available in Louisiana, doctors and clinics say some patients are finding the cost for therapeutic cannabis too high for treatment, pricing them out of a medication they waited years to obtain. Nine pharmacies dispense …

5,000 And Counting in Louisiana’s Medical Marijuana Program

Two weeks after Louisiana patients began receiving medical marijuana, the program is humming along without supply disruption and with thousands of people receiving the drug for medical use, regulatory officials and the head of one growing operation said Monday. John …

Medical Marijuana Heading to Dispensary Shelves in Louisiana

Medical marijuana is expected to start reaching select dispensaries in Louisiana on Tuesday, after the state agriculture department completed final testing and cleared therapeutic cannabis for release to patients. Agriculture Commissioner Mike Strain announced Thursday evening that GB Sciences, one …

Louisiana Flood Victims End Lawsuit Against Trump, HUD Over Disaster Aid

Two Louisiana homeowners who sued the Trump administration over federal policies that stalled grants for victims of a massive 2016 flood have dropped their lawsuit, after the administration recently released new regulations allowing the homeowners to receive aid. U.S. District …

New Louisiana Rules for Self-Driving Trucks Effective Aug. 1

As companies work to design fleets of commercial trucks that won’t need a human in the driver’s seat, Louisiana lawmakers have written rules that self-driving vehicles will need to follow to truck commerce across the state. Louisiana’s new regulations take …

New Louisiana Rules for Self-Driving Trucks Effective Aug. 1

As companies work to design fleets of commercial trucks that won’t need a human in the driver’s seat, Louisiana lawmakers have written rules of the road that self-driving vehicles will need to follow to truck commerce across the state. Though …