Articles by Michael Adams

Citizens Says No to Higher Rates on New Business; Approves 8.9 Percent Rate Hike

Officials of Florida’s state policyholders-backed insurer turned away from several controversial plans that would have raised rates on new policies above current policyholder rates and implemented a cap on water damage, instead adhering to its statutory caps on rate increases. …

Private Companies Offer Plans to Depopulate Florida’s Citizens

Private companies and investors say they are willing to remove thousands of policyholders from Florida’s state- backed homeowners market if they can get officials to give them millions of dollars in loans. At a Citizens Property Insurance Corp. Depopulation Committee …

Florida Regulators Question State Farm’s 57% Rate Hike for Landlords

Florida regulators are expressing concern over a State Farm Florida proposed statewide average 57.3 percent rate hike in insurance rates for landlords that will result in higher premiums while the insurer continues not to write new business. At a public …

North Carolina Property Insurance Reform Law Comes Up Short

North Carolina’s property market problems are well known but thus far answers remain elusive even after lawmakers approved a bill that does little more than what one industry expert said, “just stuck more fingers in the dike.” Despite having what …

Florida Streamlines Licensing for Agents, Adjusters

A new Florida law seeks to reduce the regulatory burden on agents and adjusters by consolidating some licenses and revamping the education classes they must take to conduct business in the state. Among the changes: insurance adjusters and agents operating …

South Florida Not Receptive to Citizens’ Rate Hike Plans

Executives and the board of governors of Florida’s largest state-back property insurer received a rude reception at a public rate hearing in Miami where they indicated they will consider increasing rates on existing homeowners policies by a statewide average 7.4 …

Florida Citizens’ Chief Sets 500K Policy Depopulation Target

Maintaining there is no disagreement on the objectives of Florida’s state-backed property insurer, Citizens Property and Insurance Corp. President Barry Gilway says he hopes the insurer will reduce its policyholder rolls by 500,000 over the next three years while moving …

North Carolina Resolves Media Concerns Over Workers’ Comp Data

North Carolina officials have found a way to resolve media groups’ concern over public access to some employers’ workers’ compensation information while maintaining the confidentiality of other records. Media groups had called for Gov. Bev Perdue to veto a bill …

Florida Agents, Adjusters Face Continuing Education, Licensing Changes

A new Florida law seeks to reduce the regulatory burden on agents and adjusters by consolidating some licenses and revamping the education classes they must take to conduct business in the state. Among the changes: insurance adjusters and agents operating …

Florida Seeks Help to Quicken Approval of Insurer Forms

Florida regulators are looking to fast track the approval of changes in insurance company property policy forms and coverages after building up a significant backlog due to the numerous law changes enacted in the past two years. As a result …