Articles by Michael Adams

FEMA to Agents: Stop Using Commission Rebates to Solicit Business

Federal emergency officials are calling on insurance agents to stop offering clients a cut of the agent’s commission if the client agrees to purchase a flood policy. The Federal Emergency Management Agency is taking aim at so-called “commission rebating.” It …

North Carolina Auto Insurance Reform Postponed Until Next Year

North Carolina lawmakers have decided to postpone any major effort to reform the state’s automobile insurance market until next year citing the complexity of the subject and a lack of time due to a shorten legislative session. The Automotive Insurance …

Workers’ Comp Scofflaws in North Carolina Under Scrutiny

Officials in North Carolina said they will review their efforts to ensure that employers are purchasing workers’ compensation coverage after facing criticism they have done little to make sure that employers comply with the law. Gov. Beverly Perdue said she …

Court to Decide on Florida Medical Malpractice Caps

The fate of Florida’s caps on damages in medical malpractice cases now rests with the state’s high court after attorneys debated whether the caps are constitutional. The Florida Supreme Court recently heard oral arguments in a case (Evette McCall v. …

Florida Cat Fund Tax Plan Raises Questions

A Florida plan to sell insurers and financial institutions state premium tax credits to help fund the state’s homeowners’ reinsurance facility is raising concerns among some officials. The Florida Insurance Tax Pre-Payment Program was a late addition to the state’s …

West Virginia Permits Access to Driver’s Insurance Information Before Lawsuit

Individuals in West Virginia involved in a traffic accident will soon be able to access the other driver’s insurance coverage before filing a lawsuit under a new disclosure law. Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin signed into law HB 4486 after lawmakers …

States’ Group Considers Model Workers’ Compensation Drug Bill

In the wake of the Florida Legislature’s failure to cut physician reimbursements for prescribing repackaged drugs to workers’ compensation patients, a national group of state legislators is looking to create a model act that states could use to address the …

Trayvon Martin March to Happen After Tallahassee Waives Insurance Requirement

A march in Florida’s state capital to protest the shooting death of Trayvon Martin is being held today after city officials relented and allowed the march to precede despite a lack of liability coverage. Tallahassee officials had told the march …

North Carolina Vows Crackdown on Workers’ Compensation Scofflaws

Officials in North Carolina said they will review their efforts to ensure that employers are purchasing workers’ compensation coverage after facing criticism they have done little to make sure that employers comply with the law. North Carolina Industrial Commission Chair …

Tennessee Issues Warning on Certificates of Insurance

Authorities in Tennessee are warning agents that certificates of insurance must be consistent with the underlying policy or they risk being penalized under state law. The Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance recently issued a bulletin to clarify the use …