Articles by Michael Adams

Trayvon Martin March in Tallahassee Postponed Again Over Lack of Insurance

A planned march on Florida’s state capitol to protest the shooting death of teenager Trayvon Martin has once again been derailed to a lack of liability coverage. The National Christian League of Councils had set the march for Wednesday, April …

Florida Supreme Court to Decide on Medical Malpractice Caps

The fate of Florida’s caps on damages in medical malpractice cases now rests with the state’s high court after attorneys on both sides of the issue debated whether the caps are constitutional. The Florida Supreme Court recently heard oral arguments …

Florida Passes Workers’ Comp Changes

While debates over property insurance and no-fault auto insurance consumed the attention of state officials and the media, Florida lawmakers quietly dealt with several other insurance issues, including workers’ compensation. While they did not resolve their differences over the costs …

U.S. Supreme Court Upholds West Virginia Law on Arbitration in Nursing Home Cases

The U.S. Supreme Court has upheld a West Virginia law that allows nursing homes to use pre-dispute arbitration agreements with residents that prevent them from suing in medical malpractice cases. In a recent case, [Marmet Health Care Center, Inc. v …

North Carolina Officials: Increased Fire Insurance Premiums Due to GPS

Some North Carolina homeowners are seeing premium increases this year due to a fire rating change. And North Carolina officials say those increases in insurance premiums stem from the use of technology by insurers and not a change in public …

Florida Tax-Credit Plan to Shore Up Cat Fund Raises Questions

A Florida plan to sell insurers and financial institutions state premium tax credits to help fund the state’s homeowners’ reinsurance facility is raising concerns among some officials. The Florida Insurance Tax Pre-Payment Program was a late addition to the state’s …

Florida Insurers Wary of PIP Rate Rollbacks Timed for October

While state officials are widely praising Florida’s new no-fault auto insurance law, insurers are wary of having to implement rate decreases before there is a corresponding drop in losses as the new law stipulates. The new law specifies that by …

Agents Say Some Are Gaming System, Overselling Citizens’ Policies

Independent agents in Florida are calling on the state-run property insurer Citizens Property Insurance Corp. to staunch the flow of policies from agents employed by direct writers. The independent agents, who represent more than one insurance company, say agents who …

Small South Carolina Glass Shops Seek Window of Opportunity

How automotive glass repair companies are allowed to access glass claims has become a contentious issue in South Carolina where independent shops are trying to break a national company’s hold on the market. South Carolina lawmakers are considering a bill …

How Workers’ Compensation Fared in 2012 Florida Legislature

While their debates over property insurance and no-fault auto insurance consumed the attention of state officials and the media, Florida lawmakers were quietly dealing with several other insurance issues including workers’ compensation. Lawmakers managed to make workers’ compensation one of …