Articles by Michael Casey

Drought in Northeast Could Last Through October

At Lavoie’s Farm in New Hampshire, beans and corn haven’t broken through the ground yet and fields of strawberries are stunted. The drought that has taken hold in the Northeast is especially felt at John Lavoie’s farm in Hollis, presenting …

Leaders Warn Time Running Out for Global Warming Deal

U.N. climate talks kicked off Monday in Bangkok with leaders calling for delegates to break the deadlock over a global warming deal and warning failure to act would leave future generations fighting for survival. Negotiations on a new U.N. climate …

US Wants to Join Climate Negotiations, Despite Resistance to Emissions Cuts

U.S. delegates at the U.N. climate conference insist they will not be a roadblock to a new international agreement aimed at reducing potentially catastrophic greenhouse gases, but refuse to endorse mandatory emissions cuts. Many governmental delegations at the meeting on …

US Calls on Asia to Take Action to Reduce Greenhouse Gases

Asian nations could reduce a quarter of their greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 if they increase renewable energy use, improve coal-fired power plant efficiency and switch to biofuels, a U.S. government report said Tuesday. However, the report from the U.S. …

IPCC Delegates Hammer Out Climate Change Report in Thailand

International delegates struggled into the night Thursday to agree on ways of cutting destructive greenhouse gas emissions-or face economic and environmental catastrophe caused by global warming. China has emerged as a key voice in the debate this week at the …

Developing Countries Want Assistance Offer Included in Climate Report

Developing countries are demanding that a key climate report being negotiated this week in the Thai capital recognize a troubling reality: they will be hit worse by a warming world and need plenty of help to deal with it. The …

US, China Criticize Climate Change Action Study, as EU Calls for Action

The European Union called on developing countries Tuesday to take action to reduce greenhouse gases, as delegates worked to finalize a report detailing measures needed to save the planet. The draft report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change being …

Climate Change Conference Calls for Quick Action to Reduce Global Warming

A major climate meeting opened Monday in the Thai capital with delegates debating how to rein in rising greenhouse gas emissions that could threaten hundreds of millions with hunger and disease in the coming decades. For the rest of the …

IPCC Conference Opens in Bangkok on How to Combat Global Warming

The costs of cutting greenhouse gases and who will pay for doing it are likely to be the key issues at a major U.N.-backed climate change meeting of scientists and diplomats in the Thai capital this week, participants said Sunday. …

Solomon Disaster Exposes Earthquake Monitoring System Weaknesses

Two years before a deadly earthquake-triggered tsunami pummeled the Solomon Islands, scientist Fred Taylor’s request for U.S. funds to set up a Pacific seismic monitoring network was flatly rejected. Then there is Phil Cummins of Geoscience Australia, who is still …