Articles by Michael Gormley

Some See Spitzer Role in AIG Crisis

Lost by many in the week’s financial markets’ nightmare were ghosts of Wall Street past. Some in business and politics are blaming the need for Tuesday’s historic federal bailout for American International Group Inc.’s on the relentless pursuit of AIG …

N.Y. Gov Paterson Praises Insurance Chief Dinallo on AIG Rescue

New York officials helped giant insurer American International Group Inc. strike a historic loan deal with the Federal Reserve on Tuesday night to keep AIG afloat and avoid another fiscal crisis for the state. Gov. David Paterson called it “great …

New York Freezes Malpractice Insurance Rates

Gov. David Paterson is freezing medical malpractice insurance rates for a year as he seeks a broader solution to high business costs doctors claim are driving them out of New York. The freeze heads off a scheduled surcharge due in …

N.Y. Regulator to Weigh Split of FGIC’s Bond Insurance Business

New York regulators are eager to consider splitting Financial Guaranty Insurance Co.’s core bond insurance businesses to protect municipal credit ratings against costly downgrades and stem troubles in the debt markets. Last Friday, FGIC said would like to organize a …

Lawmakers Blast Spitzer’s $15 Charge on Auto Insurance

A proposal to charge New Yorkers a $15 fee on their auto insurance faced a road block Wednesday in the state Legislature. Gov. Eliot Spitzer’s proposal would help pay for bridge maintenance and repairs that lawmakers agree are overdue. But …

N.Y. Gov. Spitzer Put on Defensive Over Aides’ Political Tactics

New York Governor Eliot Spitzer made his name as a corruption fighting attorney general who forced reforms on Wall Street and the insurance industry. As governor, he promised to take that campaign to Albany and end the state government’s reputation …

N.Y. Court Rules Drunk Driving Does Not Include Using Inhalants with Alcohol

A motorist accused of “huffing” stimulants from an aerosol can before getting into a deadly wreck cannot be charged with driving while intoxicated, New York’s highest court ruled Wednesday. The Legislature never included inhalants with alcohol and certain other drugs …

Panel Criticizes Spitzer’s Case Over Greenberg’s Handling of Charity

One of Eliot Spitzer’s more contentious cases from his years as attorney general was criticized this week by a panel of retired judges who discounted his claims that insurance executive Maurice R. “Hank” Greenberg cost his mentor’s charity $6 billion. …

N.Y. Law Requires Greater Mental Health Coverage

Tom O’Clair, holding a Christmas ornament with his son’s picture, once again fought back tears as he explained why a new mental health law is needed to avoid tragedies like his 12-year-old son’s suicide. But this time, the burly biker …


UnumProvident Corp. disability insurance company has ended what New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer called deceptive practices and secret payments to brokers, according to a $15.5 million settlement announced earlier this month. UnumProvident, based in Chattanooga, Tenn., agreed to pay …