Articles by Michael Peltier

Florida’s Citizens’ Plan for Loans to Private Insurers Criticized

Hurricane-prone Florida’s insurer of last resort, state-run Citizens Property Insurance Corp. on Friday approved a plan to provide up of $350 million in sweetened loans to private companies willing to take over policies. A state legislator denounced the plan by …

BP Accused of Trying to Limit Gulf Oil Disaster Claims

Authorities will keep up pressure on BP Plc to ensure it fully compensates victims of last year’s Gulf of Mexico oil spill, Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio said Monday after the company indicated it wants to limit future claims. Last …

Florida Gov. Scott May Not Implement Healthcare Law

Florida’s Republican Governor Rick Scott signaled Tuesday that President Barack Obama’s landmark healthcare overhaul may not be implemented in the state as a legal battle over the law appears headed to the Supreme Court. Scott, a former healthcare executive, spoke …

U.S. Judge Sets December Date for Health Care Suit Hearing

A Florida judge said Tuesday he would hear arguments Dec. 16 on a lawsuit by 20 U.S. states seeking to block President Barack Obama’s overhaul of the U.S. health care system. U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson, who is weighing a …

Florida Hopes to Settle BP Claims Outside of Courts

BP Plc has done a poor job settling oil spill claims quickly and efficiently but pursuing the claims in court might be worse, Florida officials said Tuesday. Governor Charlie Crist and Attorney General Bill McCollum have assembled a panel to …

Economic Downturn Dooms Florida Hurricane Supplies Tax Break

Economic woes have forced Florida lawmakers to ax a pair of popular tax breaks as parents prepare to return their children to school next month and the state readies itself for hurricane season. Prompted by dismal revenue projections, Florida lawmakers …