Articles by Michael R. Blood

Environmental Groups Urge Regulators to Shut Down California Reactor Over Safety Concerns

Environmental groups called on federal regulators to immediately shut down one of two reactors at California’s last nuclear power plant until tests can be conducted on critical machinery they believe could fail and cause a catastrophe. Friends of the Earth …

California Suit Says Oil Giants Deceived Public on Climate, Seeks Funds for Storm Damage

The state of California filed a lawsuit against some of the world’s largest oil and gas companies, claiming they deceived the public about the risks of fossil fuels now faulted for climate change-related storms and wildfires that caused billions of …

Lawsuit Seeks to Uphold Closing California’s Last Nuke Plant

An environmental group has sued to block Pacific Gas & Electric from seeking to extend the federal operating licenses for California’s last nuclear power plant. A complaint filed in San Francisco Superior Court by Friends of the Earth asks the …

Los Angeles Mayor ‘Likely Knew’ About Alleged Sex Harassment, Probe Shows

A top Senate Republican released an investigation that concluded Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti “likely knew or should have known” that a former top adviser was allegedly sexually harassing city employees, a finding that appears to contradict the mayor’s assertion …

Labor Crisis Shocking California Restaurants

Sherry Villanueva’s family of Santa Barbara restaurants employed 350 people before the pandemic took hold and darkened dining rooms across California. Now, with the state’s economy officially reopened, about 250 workers are back on the job. Villanueva would hire 100 …

Deal Offers More Financial Services for California Cannabis Firms

A California cannabis industry group announced Tuesday that it reached an agreement with a state credit union that will provide checking, wire transfers and other banking services for more marijuana companies, helping ease what has been an obstacle for many …

California Restaurants Have Plan for Reopening with Safeguards

California restaurants have drafted a plan to allow the industry to reopen for sit-down dining with an array of safeguards while avoiding possible requirements that customers have their temperature taken and the number of tables be dramatically limited. The recommendations, …

Cannabis Home Delivery Surges in California Amid Outbreak

One company rushed to expand its delivery fleet. Another has seen sales triple. The global coronavirus pandemic has left millions of people locked out of bars, restaurants and theaters, but it’s been an unexpected boost for some U.S. pot shops. …

California Cannabis Seller Wants Court to Void County Delivery Ban

Another legal fight is underway over home marijuana delivery in California. A licensed cannabis company has sued Santa Cruz County, claiming that it’s violating state law by prohibiting deliveries from out-of-county retailers into a swath of unincorporated areas. The East …

Bill Would End Federal Criminal Penalties for Marijuana

Oregon Sen. Ron Wyden proposed legislation Friday that would give states a free hand to allow legal cannabis markets without the threat of federal criminal intervention, the latest push in Congress to bolster the nation’s burgeoning pot industry. The proposal, …