Articles by Michael R. Blood

Troubled Calif. Nuke Plant Aims To Restart Reactor

The operator of California’s troubled San Onofre nuclear power plant on Thursday proposed to restart one of the facility’s twin reactors after concluding it could be run safely despite damage to scores of tubes that carry radioactive water. A plan …

Activists’ Study Doubts Safety at California Nuke Plant

A report commissioned by an environmental group warned Tuesday that running California’s San Onofre nuclear plant at reduced power would not resolve problems with badly worn tubing that have kept its twin reactors offline for more than three months – …

NRC Chair To Visit Troubled California Nuke Plant

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission announced Wednesday that its chairman will visit the ailing San Onofre nuclear power plant on the California coast, where twin reactors have been sidelined because of excessive wear in tubing that carries radioactive water. The visit …

U.S. Considers Night Flying to Fight Fires

The U.S. Forest Service is considering allowing its helicopters to attack wildfires at night, a practice the agency has long discouraged because of risks to pilots, a senior official said Monday. The change would be a major shift for an …

Fire Burns 2,000 Acres Northeast of Los Angeles

Fire officials have been battling a wildfire blazing 20 miles north of downtown Los Angeles. “There’s been no open flames for hours. It’s just smoldering,” Los Angeles County Fire Department spokesman Ron Haralson said at press time. “We want that …

Firefighters Warn of Continued Wildfire Threat in California

Rapid development in wildfire-prone areas and continued bone-dry weather have alarmed California firefighters, who began a sweeping assessment of fire danger and what’s needed to meet it. Catastrophic wildfires that burned across the state last month and in 2003 were …

Hundreds of Californians Wait to Get Word on FEMA Fire Aid

More than a week after the worst of California’s wildfires subsided, more than 700 households are waiting to learn if they will qualify for federal aid to begin restoring their homes and lives, according to figures released Wednesday. The Federal …

Firefighters Warn of Continued Wildfire Threat in California

Rapid development in wildfire-prone areas and continued bone-dry weather have alarmed California firefighters, who began a sweeping assessment of fire danger this week and what’s needed to meet it. Catastrophic wildfires that burned across the state last month and in …

Calif. Governor Wants Workers’ Comp Fix in a Week

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger warned state legislators that unless they reach a deal next week to repair California’s costly workers’ compensation system, he’ll bypass them and go to voters to fix the problem. “If we don’t come to an agreement this …