Articles by Michael Sean Quinn

UM/UIM Developments

Insurance covers accidents. In the legal world, we call these “fortuities”, but it all boils down to accidental happenings. First-party insurance, for example property insurance, covers financial losses sustained by insureds as the result of damage to their property. Of …

Paying for Holocaust Insurance Claims

The Western world is haunted by the specter of the German government killing millions upon millions of Jews (and others) in concentration camps. I couldn’t sleep when I first saw the pictures in the 1950s. My children couldn’t sleep when …

Agent-Broker Malpractice

In specifying, arranging for and renewing insurance policies, it is customary in the industry for agents to use a kind of shorthand. It is also customary for agents to rely upon manuals provided to them by insurers. A case decided …

Good Samaritan Liability

Following the Bible parable, a Good Samaritan is a person who reaches out and takes care of someone when he or she has no obligation to do so. Generally, Good Samaritans are to be praised, while those who pass on …

Liability Insurers and Rights of Reimbursement

Liability insurers face three especially difficult litigation problems. One of them arises when an insurance contract provides that an insurer has a duty to defend, and it is not clear from the plaintiff’s petition whether that duty is triggered. The …

Who Owns A Customer’

The American economic scene is characterized by at least three general trends. There may be more. First, many large businesses are cutting back. Almost every day one reads in the paper that some huge, well-known corporation will soon have fewer …

Liability Coverage for Breaches of Contract

Knowledgeable people think that liability insurance is for accidents. Standardized liability insurance policies-homeowners, auto and commercial general liability-are worded so that the idea of an accident is at the heart of the central coverage. Under this part of the contract, …

Liability Coverage for Breaches of Contract

Knowledgeable people think that liability insurance is for accidents. Standardized liability insurance policies-homeowners, auto and commercial general liability-are worded so that the idea of an accident is at the heart of the central coverage. Under this part of the contract, …

Legal Malpractice Insurance

There are a huge number of lawyers in Texas. Many of them are not very good. For every lawyer there is probably at least one paralegal. Many of them are as proficient as the lawyers they assist, though usually less …

Restraining the Departed’

When Agents Divorce Their Insurance Company Insurance companies and insurance brokerage houses (employers) use a variety of devices to try to prevent departing agents from competing against them. Sometimes smaller agencies do this, too. The three principal theories in these …