Articles by Michael Sean Quinn

An Agent’s Nightmare Continues

Editor’s Note: This is the second part of a story that appeared in our Sept. 25 issue. The first story described the facts of the case, up to the point of verdict and judgment. This column describes the verdict and …

An Agent’s Nightmare: Who Knew Forwarding Lawsuit Papers Could Get So Sticky

Insurance agencies mediate between insurance companies and policyholders all the time. One of the most important focal points for this kind of activity has to do with forwarding suit papers. An insured gets sued. He hands the lawsuit to the …

When Agents Go Bankrupt

Commissions structures can pose serious problems for agents going through bankruptcy. Protect yourself before you need protection. I admit it. I have a bearish streak. When I was a boy, I firmly believed that everything always came out for the …

It’s a Dog’s Life… And an Agent’s Lot

What is the most authoritative source of truthful information in the whole universe? No question about it. It’s Southwest Airlines’ Spirit magazine. You know. The magazine found in the seat pocket right in front of you. Yes! The one that …

Commentary: Examining Slave Insurance in a World 150 Years Removed

In March 2000, Aetna, the nation’s largest health insurer, was criticized for participating in slave insurance 150 years ago. Aetna apologized and expressed its “deep regret” over participating in this “deplorable practice.” The question Obviously, slavery was a deplorable practice, …

Lying, Cheating and Stealing

There are a number of sins to which those providing services for money are susceptible: product ignorance, market ignorance, administrative incompetence, disloyalty and betrayal, slothfulness, untruthfulness, and stealing. Bullying and rudeness are usually not large problems. After all, they are …

Successor Liability for Renewal Commissions

Employees and operatives often have tensions and conflicts with their employers and principals. This general and highly abstract truth applies no less to insurance agents than to anyone else. Agents want a larger share of the commissions. “After all,” they …

Agents in the Claims Process

In any service industry, speed in responding to customer requests, customer satisfaction with performance (both in the short run and in the long), and accuracy in statements made are all terribly important. The three are not, however, always in harmony. …

Agent Indemnification: How Not to Get Burned

Once in a blue moon, the Supreme Court of Texas decides a case that squarely pertains to insurance agents. On April 20, 2000, Justice Alberto Gonzales, writing for a unanimous court, decided an odd one, with potential significance. It concerned …

Slavery & InsuranceExamining slave insurance in a world 150 years removed

Recently, in March 2000, Aetna, the nation’s largest health insurer, was criticized for participating in slave insurance 150 years ago. Aetna apologized and expressed its “deep regret” over participating in this “deplorable practice.” THE QUESTION Obviously, slavery was a deplorable …