Articles by Mike Stobbe

Stobbe is AP Medical Writer

Excessive Drinking Costs About $2 per Drink

The toll of excessive drinking works out to about $2 per drink, in terms of medical expenses and other costs to society, according to a new federal research. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study calculated societal costs from …

Self-Reported Drunk Driving Incidents Fall

Drunken driving incidents have fallen 30 percent in the last five years, and last year were at their lowest mark in nearly two decades, according to a new federal report. The decline may be due to the down economy: Other …

Warning: Insecticides Can Be More Dangerous Than Bedbugs

Bedbugs don’t make people sick. But the poisons used to kill them can. A new government study has found that dozens of Americans have fallen ill from the insecticides, and a North Carolina woman died after using 18 cans of …

Study: Obesity Care Costs Twice Previous Estimates

Nearly 17 percent of U.S. medical costs can be blamed on obesity, according to new research that suggests the nation’s weight problem may be having close to twice the impact on medical spending as previously estimated. One expert acknowledged that …

Study: 1 in 10 Binge Drinkers Gets Behind the Wheel

One in 10 binge drinkers got behind the wheel the last time they drank heavily. And half of those drivers left from a bar, restaurant or nightclub after downing five or more drinks, a new study has found. The study …

CDC: Mounting Illness Reports Linked to Selenium Supplement

Health officials are investigating more than 180 reports of illness in people who took dietary supplements containing toxic levels of the mineral selenium. Last month, federal officials warned consumers about harmful doses of selenium – a mineral considered healthful in …

States Make Progress But Still Unprepared for Pandemic, Says U.S.

In the first report of its kind, U.S. health officials said the nation’s states and cities made a strong effort to prepare for a flu pandemic, bioterrorism or other emergency health crises, but big challenges remain. “I think in terms …