Articles by Alan Levin and Naureen S. Malik

After Blasts, Massachusetts Gas Customers Face Long Wait

The blast of high-pressure natural gas that led to dozens of home explosions last week in Massachusetts very likely damaged the system’s antiquated pipeline network and could lead to a long period of testing and repairs before full service is …

Gas Company Hit Over Response to Massachusetts Explosions; New Leak Found

A new natural gas leak was discovered in the Boston area just two days after a series of pipeline explosions killed one person, injured more than 25 and prompted Massachusetts to declare a state of emergency. The latest leak was …

Deadly Gas Explosions Near Boston Put Focus on Pipe Safety

Federal investigators were dispatched to three towns just outside Boston after dozens of explosions and fires along NiSource Inc.’s natural gas network left at least one person dead and 13 injured and displaced over 8,000 customers. Massachusetts State Police reported …

Energy Sector Cyber Insurance, Cybersecurity Struggles Leave Taxpayers, Customers Exposed

Insurers are limiting how much coverage energy companies can buy to protect themselves against a major attack by hackers, potentially leaving investors, customers and taxpayers on the hook for sizable losses. Brit Insurance, a syndicate that works with Lloyd’s of …

New Forecasting, Damage Assessment Tools Track Hurricane Matthew

As Hurricane Matthew rolled toward Florida earlier this week, the meteorologists at Verisk Analytics were tracking its every move. They weren’t just plotting the usual meteorological stuff, though, and making the usual forecasts: wind speed, rainfall, sea-swell. They also were …

Yosemite Fire Costs San Francisco Power as Water Unharmed

A wildfire spreading within miles of water and hydropower sources for San Francisco in Yosemite National Park has cost the city $600,000 for replacement electricity, officials said. The Rim Fire grew on Monday to about 150,000 acres (60,600 hectares) or …