Articles by Nina Chestney

More Firms Report Climate-Related Risks, but Few Disclose Financial Impact: G20 Report

Climate-related disclosure is becoming mainstream as more firms support and align their financial reporting to recommendations by a global task force though few disclose the financial impact on the company, a survey shows. The Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures …

G20 Task Force Develops Climate-Related Financial Disclosure Framework Supported by Insurers

A global task force set up by the G20 has developed a voluntary framework for companies to disclose the financial impact of climate-related risks and opportunities, drawing support from more than 100 companies with $11 trillion of assets. There are …

World’s Renewable Energy Projects Fall Short of Paris Climate Goals: IEA

Barely one tenth of renewable energy technology is ready to meet long-term climate change targets as governments have failed to adequately support large-scale deployment, a report by the International Energy Agency showed on Tuesday. Under a global climate pact, called …

Companies May Soon Be Required to Disclose Financial Impact of Climate Risk

Companies’ disclosure of risks to their business from climate change could become mandatory in a few years as investor pressure gathers pace, climate finance experts said on Tuesday. Investors have urged companies, particularly those operating in the oil, gas and …

Trump Advisor Says U.S. Will Change Climate Policy, Pull Out of Paris Agreement

The United States will switch course on climate change and pull out of a global pact to cut emissions, said Myron Ebell, who headed U.S. President Donald Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) transition team until his inauguration. Ebell is the …

G20 Task Force to Ask Firms to Disclose How They Manage Climate Risks

A global task force set up to try to prevent market shocks from the warming of the planet will ask companies to disclose how they manage risks to their business from climate change and greenhouse gas emission cuts. Although the …

Thawing Arctic Ice Creates New Environmental Risks as Shipping Routes Open

The Arctic is thawing even faster than lawmakers can formulate new rules to prevent the environmental threat of heavy fuel oil pollution from ships plying an increasingly popular trade route. Average Arctic temperatures are rising twice as fast as elsewhere …

PwC: Climate Change Is Risk and Business Opportunity

Competition and regulation push companies to take action to protect themselves from the effects of climate change, not climate science, Jon Williams, partner at global consultancy firm PwC told the Reuters Global Climate Change Summit. Williams, who leads the finance …

UN Says China, U.S. Climate Cooperation Raises Hopes for Global Deal

Closer cooperation between China and the United States, the top two greenhouse gas emitters, on combating global warming is boosting prospects for a U.N. deal meant to be agreed next year, the U.N.’s climate chief said on Wednesday. Christiana Figueres …

UNEP Report: Global Action Needed to Close 8-12 Billion Ton Emissions Gap

Greenhouse gas emissions in 2020 will be 8 billion to 12 billion tons more than the level needed to keep global warming to only 2 degrees Celsius [3.6°F] and avoid severe climate change, a United Nations report estimated on Tuesday. …