Articles by Nina Chestney and Valerie Volcovici

United States Urges More Flexibility in new Global Climate Deal

The United States called on Tuesday for a more flexible approach to a new United Nations’ climate deal which balances the needs of all countries and has a better chance of success. Two years ago, some 190 countries agreed to …

Global Climate Spending Falling Further Behind Target: Report

Global spending to combat climate change fell last year and remains far below the level needed to prevent its most dangerous effects, a report by the Climate Policy Initiative said on Tuesday. Investment in renewable energy, energy efficiency and adaptation …

Study Concludes Arctic Methane Release Could Cost Economy Trillions

A release of methane in the Arctic could speed the melting of sea ice and climate change with a cost to the global economy of up to $60 trillion over coming decades, according to a paper published in the journal …

IEA Concludes Clean Energy Progress ‘Too Slow’ to Limit Global Warming

The development of low-carbon energy is progressing too slowly to limit global warming, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said on Wednesday. With power generation still dominated by coal and governments failing to increase investment in clean energy, top climate scientists …

UK’s Met Office Sees 2013 as Likely to be One of Warmest on Record

Global temperatures are forecast to be 0.57 degrees [1.026°F] above the long-term average next year, making 2013 one of the warmest years on record, Britain’s Met Office, the UK’s national weather service, said on Thursday. “It is very likely that …

Scientists Conclude Rise in Sea Level Cannot Be Stopped

Rising sea levels cannot be stopped over the next several hundred years, even if deep emissions cuts lower global average temperatures, but they can be slowed down, climate scientists said in a study on Sunday. A lot of climate research …

Main Points of Agreement from Rio+20 Summit Show Little Progress

Global leaders on Friday wrapped up a United Nations development summit with little to show but a lackluster agreement, as critics scorned governments for showing no urgency to tackle climate change as well as food and water scarcity. Nearly 100 …

180 Countries Agree on New Climate Treaty Agenda

More than 180 countries agreed on an agenda for work on a new climate treaty by 2015 at United Nations climate talks on Friday, breaking a week-long deadlock over procedure. “(The work plan) was not an easy issue to agree …

Global Economy Could Endure Disaster – for ‘Only a Week’

The global economy could withstand widespread disruption from a natural disaster or attack by militants for only a week, as governments and businesses are not sufficiently prepared to deal with unexpected events, a report by a respected think-tank said. Events …

New U.N. Climate Deal Struck; Critics Say Gains Modest

Countries from around the globe agreed on Sunday to forge a new deal forcing all the biggest polluters for the first time to limit greenhouse gas emissions, but critics said the plan was too timid to slow global warming. A …