Articles by Pat Alexander

Pat Alexander coaches insurance agencies in maximizing the use of their systems. Additionally, she works with them on how to integrate today’s social media into their firm’s plan. Pat may be contacted at

Best Practices Quality Management – Part II

Without proper quality management reports that are run on a regularly scheduled basis and reviewed properly, you have no real idea what is going on in your agency. You may think you know, but I assure you, you don’t know …

Best Practices Quality Management – Part I

I have spent several months discussing how to define, train and implement, standards, procedures and workflows. Early in this series of posts one commenter on this blog asked me what was the value in going through this process. So over …

Best Practices – Training and Implementation

We have spent the past several weeks discussing Best Practices – Standards, Procedures and Workflows. I know, you say: “My staff already knows how to use the agency management system. We have this new document which sets the standards and …

Best Practices – Workflows

A workflow consists of a sequence of connected steps. It is a depiction of a sequence of operations, declared as work of a person, a group of persons, an organization of staff, or one or more simple or complex mechanisms. …

Best Practices – Procedures

A PROCEDURE is a series of steps followed in a regular and defined order. Consider your renewal process. There is a beginning and an end to the process. It might look like this: This procedure is made up of a …

Best Practices – Standards

When an agency talks to me about working with them on their best practices, they often think this only about how to do their work with their agency management system. However, best practices are so much more. I start with …

Best Practices – What Are They

There is much talk in every industry about Best Practices. So what are Best Practices? One definition says: Best practice is a management idea that asserts there is a technique, method, process, activity, incentive or reward that is more effective …

Defining Your Core Values Part II – Small Agencies In Small Towns

I have worked with a number of individuals who are great entrepreneurs whose companies have grown rapidly and out-of-control. It is so very difficult for these individuals to accept or manage the changes and structure that come with this growth. …

Defining Your Core Values – Small Agencies In Small Towns

The question I continue to be asked is how do I make sure that employees will take care of my customers the same as I do. We have previously discussed training the receptionist. However, before you consider adding the receptionist, …

Service Staff – Small Agencies in Small Towns

We have discussed how you might outsource back office work, work that is not full time, or work for which you can’t find staff. We have discussed training a receptionist how to answer a phone and handle client’s calls. We …