Articles by Patrick Wraight

Patrick Wraight, CIC, CRM, AU, is director of Insurance Journal's Academy of Insurance. He can be reached at

Umbrella Liability: The Triple Upsell Possibility for Personal Lines Clients

When it comes to most of the personal lines market, it’s pretty straightforward. A person buys a car, and they need insurance. A person buys a home or rents an apartment, and they need insurance. Often, they can benefit from …

Book Review: Born2Lead

What do the little engine that could, insurance executives, and a Boy Scout Scoutmaster have in common? They all play into the prose of the book, “Born2Lead”, by Michael Koscielny, Jr. Mike is a “retired” insurance executive. That might be …

Let’s Win One for the Good Guys: A Familiar Claims Situation

Growing up we all watched television shows and movies pitting the good guy against the bad guy. Often the bad guy held some power over the good guy, either as the boss, the holder of all the money or the …

The Gaming Boom: Potential Risks and Insurance Implications

You don’t have to look very far to understand that the gaming (gambling) industry in the United States is booming. What was only available for those who wanted to travel to Las Vegas or Atlantic City is now available on …

3 Things to Know About Condo Association Boards

The condo association takes on a special level of responsibility because of the unique form of ownership that is the condominium. To make sure we are all on the same footing, a condominium is a form of ownership where a …

Top 4 Alternatives to Purchasing Homeowners Insurance

Homeowners insurance companies are having a rough year. What’s worse is that they seem to be taking it out on us, their customers. According to an article on Policygenius, the cost of homeowners insurance went up an average of 21% …

Mortgage Value Limit for Homeowners? That Sounds Like a Bad Idea

For context, I suggest that you read this Insurance Journal story that provides some details related to the bill that I want to discuss. Here’s the link: We put this Florida story in the “Politicians don’t understand insurance” file. …

The Unique Risks of an Artisan Contractor

When you hear or read the term, “artisan contractor,” what do you think of? Don’t search it, and if you deal with artisan contractors, don’t shout out the answer. I can tell you that I thought of custom cabinet makers …

Nonprofits and Risk Management

When you ask the internet what a nonprofit organization is, you get several answers. Many of those answers have to do with setting up a nonprofit and obtaining a tax-exempt status. More than being a form of business that is …

Should Insurance Drive Increased Firearm Safety?

It seems almost weekly there is a story or two in the national headlines addressing gun violence in the U.S., and a recent Insurance Journal article indicated respondents of a survey thought insurance could have a role in firearm safety. …