Articles by Patrick Wraight

Patrick Wraight, CIC, CRM, AU, is director of Insurance Journal's Academy of Insurance. He can be reached at

When a Property Loss Extends to Liability in Senior Care Facilities

There’s a storm warning. It might be a hurricane, a tornado, a derecho, or a microburst. It doesn’t matter, they all have one similar characteristic, damaging winds. After the storm passes, whether a building suffers direct damage or not, there …

New ISO Homeowners Policy Form Update

The Insurance Services Office (ISO) has unveiled an update to its homeowners’ program. It’s the first update in 11 years, which is a good thing. It begs asking why it took so long, but that’s a question for another day. …

Sinking Millennium Tower Leaves Property Insurance Questions

The Champlain Towers collapse in South Florida brought several issues to light regarding building safety. In the days following the collapse, people began to ask questions about the safety of these buildings and what insurance companies and government entities would …

A Look at Possible Coverage Implications of the Champlain Towers Condominium Collapse

I’m finding it difficult to write an insurance piece about the recent collapse of the Champlain Towers Condominium. Before I dive into the insurance aspects, I have to recognize the human part of this tragedy. When those parts of the …

Why Flood Should be a Covered Cause of Loss in Property Insurance

There’s something fun about contemplating flood insurance while the ground outside the office is so saturated that it’s like walking on sponges. No. We aren’t having a flood event and even if we were, there’s a good chance that most …

Florida Rejects PIP Reform Again

It might be shocking, but not only do I work for the fine people who publish Insurance Journal, but I read Insurance Journal. I’m particularly interested in reading it when I get an email from a friend, asking for my …

What Is Umbrella Coverage and Why Should Your Customers Buy It?

I came across this comment in a social media group that I subscribe to. Someone was lamenting that their personal umbrella premium went up. As I read the post, I noted that even with the premium increase, that person was …

Making the Case for Professional Liability in Law Enforcement

Almost a year ago, I wrote an article, asking the question, Do Police Officers Need to Buy Professional Liability? It’s still a good question and I’d like to explore it again from another direction. What might the liability layers look …

How Liability Immunity for Vaccinations Affects Healthcare

When the race was on in earnest to develop and deploy an effective COVID-19 vaccination, much was made about the fact that pharmaceutical manufacturers would enjoy immunity against any liability related to the COVID-19 vaccine. Actually, the immunity that the …

COVID-19 Experiences Show Need for Employment Practices Insurance

As soon as the first community was shut down to slow the spread of the coronavirus or the first announcement of a safer at home order by a governor, some of us saw the storm of suits coming related to …