Articles by Paul Bronow

The Challenging Future Requires Your Attention

While the hard market continues to support current rate levels, there is increasing turmoil within our industry. Is there any doubt that major changes are on the horizon? After all, who can predict the timing of the hard market/soft market …

The Challenging Future Requires Your Attention

While the hard market continues to support current rate levels, there is increasing turmoil within our industry. Is there any doubt that major changes are on the horizon? After all, who can predict the timing of the hard market/soft market …

Buying an Agency is Much More Than Writing a Check

Regardless of your justification for the purchase and the emotional high in “making one of your biggest sales,” acquiring an agency is similar to buying that house you always wanted, or the car of your dreams. When the “high” is …

Commentary: No Time for Basking in the Glow of the Hard Market

It’s finally here! Strike up the band, pass out the cigars, the hard market has arrived! We still have availability of product and our renewals are up at least 10 percent. Workers’ comp premiums are up an average of 20 …

Commentary: Time To Start Evaluating the Future of Your Agency

The pace of consolidation within our industry is accelerating much faster than anticipated a few short years ago. In addition to the fact that the total number of players are shrinking, those remaining—specifically the risk bearers—are standardizing certain segments of …