Articles by Paul Davenport

Ruling in Faulty Products Case Upholds Law Limiting Lawsuit Awards

The Arizona Supreme Court unanimously upheld the constitutionality of a state law that limits the responsibility for payment of damages in lawsuits, including those for faulty products. Deciding a case which drew interest from industry and plaintiffs’ groups, the unanimous …

Ariz. Bill to Raise Burden of Proof on ER Suits Fails in House

The Arizona House has narrowly rejected a medical malpractice bill that would have made it harder to successfully sue emergency medical providers for alleged malpractice. The bill was the only major piece of malpractice legislation considered during the current session. …

Arizona Lawmakers Move to Raise Burden of Proof on ER Suits

Hoping for a change of heart by Gov. Janet Napolitano, the Arizona Senate on Monday narrowly approved a medical malpractice bill to raise the bar on the legal burden of proof required for malpractice lawsuits involving emergency medical care. The …

Ariz. MDs Group Moves Closer to Ballot Campaign on Med-Mal

A statewide group representing physicians is gearing up for a possible multimillion-dollar initiative campaign aimed at helping doctors burdened by rising costs for medical malpractice insurance. The Arizona Medical Association is seeking proposals from political consulting firms for work on …

Ariz. Legislature Sends Med-Mal Bill to Governor

A medical-malpractice bill passed by the Arizona Legislature and sent to Gov. Janet Napolitano faces an uncertain future. The Senate completed legislative action on the bill (SB 1036) by voting 23-6 April 18 to accept changes made by the House …

Shield for Doctors’ Apologies Clears Arizona Senate

A bill approved Feb. 22 by the Senate would let doctors apologize and offer condolences to patients and their families without fear of having the statements held against them in court. The so-called “I’m sorry” provision is part of a …

Shield for Doctors’ Apologies Clears Ariz. Senate

A bill approved Tuesday by the Senate would let doctors apologize and offer condolences to patients and their families without fear of having the statements held against them in court. The so-called “I’m sorry” provision is part of a medical …

Ariz. Senate Backs Malpractice Changes Sought by Physicians

The Senate gave preliminary approval Feb. 17 to a three-pronged medical malpractice bill backed by business groups and physicians. The measure would provide a legal shield for doctors’ apologies, tighten requirements for the credentials of expert witnesses testifying in court …