Articles by Paul Elias

San Francisco Cable Car Accidents Costs Millions

In this city of innumerable tourist attractions, the clanging, hill-conquering cable cars stand out as a top draw. The quaint conveyances also stand out for the inordinate number of accidents and the millions of dollars annually the city pays out …

San Francisco Cable Car Accidents Costs Millions

In this city of innumerable tourist attractions, the clanging, hill-conquering cable cars stand out as a top draw. The quaint conveyances also stand out for the inordinate number of accidents and the millions of dollars annually the city pays out …

N.M. Private Security Co. Target Of Myriad Lawsuits

The country’s largest provider of private federal court house security officers recently paid a $1.9 million fine to the federal government to settle allegations that some of its guards fudged results of gun-range tests. Akal Security, a New Mexico company, …

Hacker Group Not So Anonymous Anymore

The computer hackers, chat room denizens and young people who comprise the loosely affiliated Internet collective known as Anonymous have increasingly turned to questionable tactics, drawing the attention of the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and other federal investigators. …

Appeals Court in California Reverses Itself in Armenian Insurance Suit

A federal appeals court last Friday reversed itself and now says the heirs of Armenians killed in the Turkish Ottoman Empire can seek payment from companies that sold their relatives life insurance. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in …