Articles by Paul Taylor

How Do You Know When It’s the Right Time to Partner With a Network?

Worried about what could be next for your agency? It has been a chaotic couple of years — and many forward-thinking businesses are focused on improving revenue, expanding their client base and future-proofing their strategies. It’s important because right now, …

Brexit Would Threaten UK’s Access to EU via Single Passport: Officials

Britain’s partners are stepping up warnings that if it votes next week to leave the European Union, banks and financial firms based in London could lose their money-spinning EU “passports.” The City of London vies with New York as the …

Euro Zone May Be Fragmenting Faster than EU Can Act

Signs are growing that Europe’s economic and monetary union may be fragmenting faster than policymakers can repair it. Euro zone leaders agreed in principle on June 29 to establish a joint banking supervisor for the 17-nation single currency area, based …

Germans Say “Nein! No! Non!” Ahead of Euro Summit

EU leaders go into a Brussels meeting today, Thursday June 28, more openly divided than at any time since the euro crisis began, with Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel showing no sign of relenting in her refusal to back other countries’ …

Europe’s Tower of Babel Hampers Solution to Euro Crisis

As Europe considers a leap towards closer integration to try to save the euro single currency, it resembles the biblical Tower of Babel – unable to complete an ambitious project because the residents don’t speak the same political and economic …

Analysis: EU’s Spain Bank Rescue May Bring only Brief Respite

Euro zone finance ministers rushed Spain into an EU-funded rescue for its debt-stricken banks to pre-empt the threat of a bank run if Greece’s debt crisis flares again but any respite for Madrid and the euro may be short-lived. After …

Europe Moves Ahead with Fiscal Union; UK Isolated

Europe divided on Friday in a historic rift over building a fiscal union to preserve the euro, with a large majority of countries led by Germany and France agreeing to move ahead with a separate treaty, leaving Britain isolated. Twenty-three …

France, Germany Give Greece Ultimatum on Euro

The leaders of Germany and France told Greece on Wednesday it would not receive another cent in European aid until it decides whether it wants to stay in the euro zone. They also made clear that saving the euro was …

Davos Report: Business Leaders Warn Regulations May Crimp Recovery

Global business leaders warned Western governments on Wednesday that a populist crackdown on the financial industry could crimp a fragile recovery from the worst recession since the 1930s. The worried response to U.S. President Barack Obama’s plans to tax and …