Articles by Pete Harrison

EU Says Volcanic Ash Cost $2 to $3.3 Billion; Plans Airline Aid

Last week’s volcanic ash cloud cost European Union airlines €1.5 to €2.5 billion ($1.98 to $3.3 billion), the European Union executive said as it proposed a series of actions to help the cash-strapped industry. Governments will be able to waive …

European Union to Issue Climate Warning; Tackle CO2 Loopholes

Loopholes in the United Nations climate treaties could actually amount to an increase in global climate-warming emissions and the chance to rein in temperatures may be slipping away, a draft European Union report showed. “Optimistic assessments…indicate that a pathway towards …

UN Climate Talks Resume; US Backs $100 Billion Aid Fund

Danish hosts revived climate talks on Thursday and Washington backed a $100 billion fund to aid poor countries, as world leaders gathered on the eve of a U.N. deadline to reach a deal to slow global warming. Environment ministers planned …

U.N. Copenhagen Climate Change Talks to Resume after African Protest

African nations agreed to resume U.N. climate talks in Copenhagen on Monday after a half-day suspension, accusing rich countries of trying to kill the existing Kyoto Protocol. “We’re going back,” Pa Ousman Jarju from the delegation of Gambia, told Reuters …

EU Edges Closer to Climate Change, Stimulus Deals

European leaders moved towards agreement on Friday on a multi-billion dollar plan to tackle the global recession and a climate change plan amended to limit impact on struggling industries. Green groups warned that the European Union could forfeit its credibility …