Articles by Pete Schroeder

Congress Looks to ‘Reimagine’ Credit Reporting Industry

The nation’s major credit reporting agencies faced renewed scrutiny from Congress on Tuesday, as lawmakers consider legislation overhauling the industry. Top executives from the three major credit reporting agencies – Equifax Inc, Experian Plc and TransUnion – had to defend …

Financial Stability Board Chair Targets Unknown Threats

The Financial Stability Board needs to commit more resources to identifying new threats while reviewing existing reforms for refinement, its chair said Sunday. Randal Quarles, who took over as chair of the FSB in November and is the U.S. Federal …

Regulators Disagree Over Giving Fintechs Federal Charter to Skirt State Rules

The U.S. Federal Reserve is wary of giving “fintech” firms such as OnDeck Capital Inc. or Kabbage Inc. access to the country’s financial infrastructure, putting the central bank at odds with other regulators looking to bring them into the fold. …

SEC to Revisit ‘Proxy’ Voting Favored by Investors Raising Social, Climate Issues

The U.S. securities regulator is set to review this month rules on corporate democracy, setting it up for a clash with investors who worry the agency will side with companies to diminish voting rights on charged issues like climate change …

Wells Fargo Must Do More to Repay Cheated Auto Insureds, Says U.S. Comptroller

Wells Fargo & Co. has not convinced U.S. regulators it is doing enough to repay 600,000 drivers who were wrongly pushed into buying auto insurance, a leading bank regulator said on Tuesday. “We are not comfortable where we are with …

What Banks Got, Did Not Get in Dodd Frank Rewrite Passed by Congress

Congress on Tuesday rolled back some of the restraints imposed on banks after the 2007-2009 global financial crisis, but big players like Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and JPMorgan Chase, will not be breaking out the champagne. While Wall Street banks …

SEC Updates Guidance on Cyber Disclosure by Companies

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission updated guidance to public companies on how and when they should disclose cyber security risks and breaches, including potential weaknesses that have not yet been targeted by hackers. The guidance also said company executives …

SEC Updates Guidance on Cyber Disclosure by Companies

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on Wednesday updated guidance to public companies on how and when they should disclose cyber security risks and breaches, including potential weaknesses that have not yet been targeted by hackers. The guidance also said …

U.S. May Move to Regulate Virtual Currencies

U.S. regulators may ask Congress to pass legislation to improve oversight of virtual currencies like bitcoin amid concerns about the risks posed by the emerging asset class, the head of the Securities and Exchange Commission said on Tuesday. The comments …

U.S. Regulator Pulls Back from MetLife’s ‘Too-Big-to-Fail’ Designation

The U.S. government and MetLife Inc. announced on Thursday they would jointly seek to dismiss an appeal over whether the insurance company should face stricter oversight as a key part of the financial system. MetLife and the Financial Stability Oversight …