Articles by Peter van Aartrijk

A former corporate communications executive and journalist, Peter van Aartrijk has worked with independent agents, brokers and carriers for decades on marketing-communications challenges. He is CEO of insurance marketing firm Aartrijk. He serves on the board of directors of the Insurance Marketing & Communications Association (, and he is the author of The Powers, a branding guidebook available at Amazon and Email:

How To Sell Umbrellas to Everybody

Selling personal umbrellas is a nuisance, yes? Some agents say, “Forget the $15 or $20 commission; it’s the perception of value-added service to the client. It helps round accounts and keep accounts. And a lot more people probably ought to …

Hanging On to Market Share (Sell ‘Em More Stuff)

As a distribution channel, independent agents are doing a fairly good job of holding down the fort. The Independent Insurance Agents of America recently examined market share among the three channels: direct response, captive agent and independent agent. 1 Independent …

Hanging On to Market Share (Sell ‘Em More Stuff)

As a distribution channel, independent agents are doing a fairly good job of holding down the fort. The Independent Insurance Agents of America recently examined market share among the three channels: direct response, captive agent and independent agent. 1 Independent …

How To Sell Umbrellas to Everybody, Not Just Millionaires

Selling personal umbrellas is a nuisance, yes? Some agents say, “Forget the $15 or $20 commission; it’s the perception of value-added service to the client. It helps round accounts and keep accounts. And a lot more people probably ought to …

Good, Bad Vibes from Industry Leaders

If you weren’t able to attend the recent Property/Casualty Joint Industry Forum in New York City, we can sum up CEO attitudes about the New Year in this way: The market is hardening, although not fast enough; losses are rising …

Good, Bad Vibes from Industry Leaders

If you weren’t able to attend the recent Property/Casualty Joint Industry Forum in New York City, we can sum up CEO attitudes about the New Year in this way: The market is hardening, although not fast enough; losses are rising …

Independent Currents

Ever notice how sometimes it’s the most important stuff that doesn’t get done at work? Every business, large or small, has four quadrants wherein all short-term and long-term work falls. (Some management guru wrote a book about this once.) Those …

Independent currents:Scary E&O Stories (Just in Time for Halloween!)

I’ve sat in classes taught by Jim Harrison (insert two dozen professional designations here), one of the best insurance educators in the country. He has this little shtick that wakes up the class. He tells an ugly commercial liability claim …

Independent currents Scary E&O Stories (Just in Time for Halloween!)

I’ve sat in classes taught by Jim Harrison (insert two dozen professional designations here), one of the best insurance educators in the country. He has this little shtick that wakes up the class. He tells an ugly commercial liability claim …

Survey Reveals Stronger Agency System

Silicon Valley operatives like to gloat about a shrinking independent agency system. Today there are 42,000 independent agencies in the U.S., down from 46,000 in 1992. Nearly three out of 10 independent agencies have been involved in a merger or …