Articles by Peter Yost

Obama Curtails Bush-Era Federal Preemption of States By Regulation

The Obama White House this week undid a Bush administration policy that used federal regulations to undermine various state health, safety and environmental laws. Many of the federal regulations limited the ability of injured consumers to sue companies in state …

Report: Bush Administration Rulemaking Limits Consumer Lawsuits

Faced with an unfriendly Congress, the Bush administration has found another, quieter way to make it more difficult for consumers to sue businesses over faulty products. It’s rewriting the bureaucratic rulebook. Lawsuit limits have been included in 51 rules proposed …

Families of Slain Iraqis Sue Military Contractor Blackwater

Families of Iraqis who died in a shooting involving Blackwater USA contractors in Baghdad have sued the company, saying the firm violated U.S. law and fostered a culture of lawlessness among its employees. The suit filed last week in U.S. …

Corporations Await Supreme Court Ruling on Reach of Securities Lawsuits

The hopes of Enron investors are riding on a case being argued before the Supreme Court today that may be the last chance at compensation for their losses when the scandal-ridden energy company collapsed. Much of corporate America has jumped …

Supreme Court raises bar for investors bringing securities fraud suits

The U.S. Supreme Court last month imposed a strict standard that investors must meet to keep alive their lawsuits alleging securities fraud. In an 8-1 decision, the justices said that courts must weigh possible innocent explanations for defendants’ conduct at …

Supreme Court Raises Bar for Investors Bringing Securities Fraud Suits

The U.S. Supreme Court last Thursday imposed a strict standard that investors must meet to keep alive their lawsuits alleging securities fraud. In an 8-1 decision, the justices said that courts must weigh possible innocent explanations for defendants’ conduct at …

Supreme Court Hears Insurers On Credit Notification Practices

Two large insurers have defended their decision not to tell customers about their less-than-perfect credit, as the Supreme Court debated the legal standard for finding the companies liable under federal law. During an hour of argument Tuesday, several justices seemed …

Supreme Court to Revisit: How Much Punitive Damages is Enough?

Jesse Williams, according to his widow, never gave any credence to the surgeon general’s health warnings about smoking cigarettes. When Williams contracted inoperable lung cancer after smoking two packs a day for 45 years, he told his wife: “Those darn …