Articles by Preston Diamond

Knowing vs. Doing in a Changing Marketplace

As the market changes do you possess the courage to do what you know you have to do? We agents are intelligent folks. We’re smart enough to know what is right and what is not. Yet, we too often don’t …

Instant Sales Tips: Agency Report Cards

It’s price that makes or breaks the sale. But why does price mean more to the producer than it does to the buyer? After all, you don’t always buy the cheapest. Regardless, price does matter when your buyer can’t determine …

Are You Playing by Old Agency Management Rules’

Isn’t it time to break the old rules and create new ones? According to Scientific Mind Magazine, “the human mind excels at creating fears and preserving them. We have more fears than we need.” So, Tabula Rasa, which is Latin …

Client Experience Management in a Chaotic Market

Which clients do you want to keep for life? Is strategy in place to manage each experience those “keeper” clients have with your agency? You only have so many resources. You and your staff can only do so much. More …

Client Experience Management in a Chaotic Market: Do you feed the frenzy’

Which clients do you want to keep for life? Is strategy in place to manage each experience those “keeper” clients have with your agency? You only have so many resources. You and your staff can only do so much. More …