Articles by R.J. Lehmann

The L&E Blog on Insurance Journal presents the work and viewpoints of The International Center for Law & Economics. R.J. Lehmann is editor-in-chief and senior fellow of the International Center for Law and Economics.

Florida Cat Fund Cleared to Buy $2.2B of Reinsurance

In what counts as excellent news both for Florida taxpayers and the private insurance market, Gov. Rick Scott and the State Board of Administration have approved a request from the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund to explore transferring up to $2.2 …

Major Insurers to Strike Deal to Support Compromise TNC Language

For much of the past year, we at R Street have been active in trying to promote reasonable, effective compromise on ride-sharing regulations. The goal all along has been to arrive at a model that allows transportation network companies like …

Progressive is Rolling Out TNC Coverage in Pennsylvania

Slowly but surely, more of the major U.S. auto insurers are rolling out custom products designed to cover the unique risks presented by the emerging market of transportation network companies like Uber and Lyft. Latest to the party is Progressive …

Geico Goes End-to-End with Virginia Ridesharing Product

In a continuation of the encouraging trend of personal insurers embracing innovation as a way to deal with the increased popularity of “sharing economy” services, auto insurance giant Geico has announced it will be rolling out a new product in …

Personal Auto Insurers Wade Cautiously into Ridesharing Waters

In recent months, controversy over the potential “uninsured” status of drivers for app-based transportation network companies like Uber and Lyft has finally started to settle down. Those two services — the largest, thus far, in this growing field — both …

You Say ‘Po-Tay-Toh,’ I Say Massive Spud Fraud

A pair of Cooperstown, N.D. brothers have been convicted in a $2 million scheme to defraud the federal crop insurance program with false claims of loss on their potato harvest. In convicting the brothers, Aaron and Derek Johnson, jurors relied …

What if They Threw a Market Panic and Nobody Came?

The news last week that Congress would adjourn without extending the $100 billion federal backstop offered by the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act was greeted with howls of shock and dismay from the affected industries The Property Casualty Insurers Association of …

Big SIFI News: MetLife is Designated, Obama Signs Insurance Capital Standards Bill

This week brought big news on two fronts in the world of allegedly “too big to fail” insurers. By a nine to one vote, with former Kentucky Insurance Commissioner Roy Woodall as the lone dissenter, the Financial Stability Oversight Council …

Did Tom Coburn Just Cancel the Super Bowl?

No, is the short answer. The longer answer is more complicated. As has now been widely reported, it appears the U.S. Senate will not, after all, pass legislation extending the federal Terrorism Risk Insurance Act before the program’s scheduled expiration …

Rob Schneider: Makin’ Enemies

In a decision that had to be as awkward as it was necessary, State Farm has cut ties with pitchman Rob Schneider, following a social media campaign to make the home and auto insurance giant aware of the comedian’s unfortunate …