Articles by Rachel La Corte

Systematic Errors Led to Washington Bridge Collapse, Safety Board Says

Insufficient route planning, a distracted pilot driver and an inadequate permitting process by the state of Washington all played a part in last year’s Interstate 5 bridge collapse north of Seattle, which sent two cars into a river below, the …

Felony DUI Bill Working in Washington Legislature

A Seattle man who lost his parents and whose wife and infant son were seriously injured last March by a drunken driver asked a Senate panel on Monday to pass a measure that would make it a felony charge to …

Washington Governor Announces Bill To Address Drunken Driving

Gov. Jay Inslee and a bipartisan group of lawmakers unveiled a plan that would make changes to the state’s impaired driving laws, including requiring an arrest on the first offense and mandatory jail time if offenders don’t enroll in a …

Washington State Lawmakers Consider Tougher DUI Laws

Lawmakers are considering tightening up the state’s laws against driving under the influence after two recent cases that left three dead and two, including an infant, critically injured. Rep. Roger Goodman held a work group meeting Tuesday morning to discuss …

Washington Weighs Compensation for Wrongful Convictions

Alan Northrop anxiously waits outside a Senate committee hearing, his girlfriend rubbing his shoulders and whispering words of support as he prepares to sign in to testify about nearly two decades of freedom lost. “Oh boy, here we go,” he …

Washington Tosses Medical Malpractice Merit Certificate Law

The state Supreme Court unanimously threw out a 2006 Washington law that requires an injured patient to get a certificate of merit from an expert before suing for medical malpractice. The high court ruled that the law violates the separation …