Articles by Randall Chase

Delaware Gov. Supports Tougher Penalties for Texting While Driving

Delaware Gov. Jack Markell is pledging his support for a bill to toughen penalties for texting or otherwise using a handheld phone while driving. After experiencing a virtual reality demonstration May 3 of the potentially fatal consequences of texting while …

Delaware Opts Against Setting Up State Health Insurance Exchange

Delaware officials have decided not to develop the state’s own health insurance exchange under the Affordable Care Act and instead will keep the current federal partnership model. Delaware was granted approval in June to develop a state-based health insurance marketplace, …

Delaware’s Mandatory Motorcycle Helmet Bill in Legislative Limbo

A bill requiring motorcycle riders in Delaware to wear helmets remains in legislative limbo after members of the House Public Safety Committee could not agree last week to send it to the House floor or to table it. Current Delaware …

Del. Lawmakers Approve Bill Aimed at Lowering Workers’ Comp Medical Costs

Delaware lawmakers have given final approval to legislation aimed at lowering workers’ compensation insurance rates in Delaware. The bill approved unanimously by the Senate on Wednesday calls for a 33 percent reduction in medical costs for workers’ compensation cases over …

Delaware Lawmakers Eye Proposals to Lower Workers’ Comp Medical Costs

Delaware lawmakers are expected to act quickly on recommendations from a state task force aimed at lowering workers’ compensation insurance rates. The task force presented lawmakers a report on May 15 proposing that workers compensation medical costs to be trimmed …

Delaware Task Force Eyes Lower Workers’ Compensation Costs

Delaware’s state panel established to address recent rate increases for workers’ compensation insurance in the state is recommending that medical costs be trimmed by 33 percent over the next three years. The Workers’ Compensation Task Force voted on May 9 …

In Delaware, Over 3,600 Policyholders Face Flood Rate Hikes

Premiums for thousands of Delaware property owners may increase significantly because of changes to the National Flood Insurance Program, but it seems many residents may not know about impending rate hikes of up to 25 percent. “We have been hearing …

In Maryland, 12K Residents Face Steady Rise in Flood Premiums

Changes in the federal flood insurance program are likely to mean higher premiums for thousands Maryland residents, and not just those living in Ocean City or along the Chesapeake Bay. Residents of smaller inland towns like Federalsburg, where the percentage …

Delaware Officials: About 7,000 Enrollments in Health Insurance Exchange

Delaware state officials say about 7,000 Delawareans have chosen private insurance plans under the federal Affordable Care Act. Delaware’s Health and Social Services Secretary Rita Landgraf told the state Health Care Commission on Thursday that 6,994 people had selected plans …

Delaware Refinery Owners Win Insurance Lawsuit

A Delaware judge has ruled for owners of the Delaware City oil refinery in lawsuit over insurance coverage involving the deaths of two workers who suffocated inside a tank. The judge granted summary judgment this week to Premcor Refinery Group, …