Articles by Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar

Judge Nixes Trump Administration’s Low-Cost Association Health Plans for Small Firms

A federal judge has struck down a small-business health insurance plan widely touted by President Donald Trump, the second setback in a week for the administration’s health care initiatives. U.S. District Judge John D. Bates wrote in his opinion late …

Lawmakers Cite Own Experiences in Grilling Drug Executives on Prices

Channeling the ire of constituents and drawing from personal experience, senators chastised drug company executives Tuesday over the high cost of prescription medications, while the CEOs warned that government price controls could stifle breakthroughs on diseases like Alzheimer’s. The Senate …

U.S. Making Some Progress Against Opioid Epidemic, Says Health Chief

The number of U.S. drug overdose deaths has begun to level off after years of relentless increases driven by the opioid epidemic, health secretary Alex Azar said Tuesday, cautioning it’s too soon to declare victory. “We are so far from …

Trump Actions Against Obamacare Could Mean Free Insurance for Many with Low Incomes

In an odd twist, low-income people in about half of U.S. counties will now be able to get a taxpayer-subsidized “Obamacare” policy for free, according to a new study that suggests some actions by President Donald Trump against the health …

Health Insurers Will Get August Obamacare Payments Trump Threatened to End

The government will make this month’s payments to insurers under the Obama-era health care law that President Donald Trump still wants to repeal and replace, a White House official said Wednesday. Trump has repeatedly threatened to end the payments, which …

How Much Do Health Insurance Subsidies Cost Taxpayers?

Taxpayers will fork over nearly $10 billion more next year to cover double-digit premium hikes for subsidized health insurance under President Barack Obama’s law, according to a study released Thursday. The analysis from the Center for Health and Economy comes …

Taxes Complicated for Uninsured and Newly-Insured Repaying Subsidies

Many people who went without health insurance last year are now seeing fines more than double under President Barack Obama’s health care law, tax preparation company H&R Block said this week. Among its customers who owe a penalty for the …

Today Is Deadline for 2016 Healthcare Enrollment Under Obamacare

Rising premiums and shaken faith among insurers have cast a cloud over sign-up season for President Barack Obama’s health care law, and now it’s crunch time again. Tuesday is the deadline for millions of uninsured procrastinators to sign up in …

Fine for Not Having Health Insurance Is Going Up

The math is harsh: The federal penalty for having no health insurance is set to jump to $695, and the Obama administration is being urged to highlight that cold fact in its new pitch for health law sign-ups. That means … Enhances Customer Privacy Features As 2016 Enrollment Nears

Responding to criticism from civil liberties advocates, the Obama administration said last week that it has strengthened consumer privacy protections on the government’s health insurance website as a new sign-up season nears. CEO Kevin Counihan said in a blog …