Articles by Krista Hughes and Richard Cowan

Congress Finally Approves Fast Track Trade Authority

Legislation vital to securing the largest U.S. trade deal in decades was passed by the Senate on Wednesday by a comfortable margin, advancing President Barack Obama’s efforts to strengthen U.S. economic ties around the Pacific Rim. After a six-week congressional …

Battle Over Fast-Track Trade Authority Resumes This Week in House

A raging battle over President Barack Obama’s request for “fast-track” authority central to improving U.S. ties with Asia resumes in the House of Representatives this week when lawmakers are expected to try to reverse Friday’s defeat of linchpin trade legislation. …

Senate Democrats Derail Fast-Track Trade Authority Bill

U.S. Senate Democrats delivered a major blow to President Barack Obama’s trade agenda on Tuesday, blocking debate on a bill that would have smoothed the path for a Pacific trade pact. The stunning outcome cast doubt on legislation key to …

Today’s Senate Vote First Test for Fast-Track Trade Authority Obama Wants

The Pacific trade agreement faces its first test in the U.S. Senate on Tuesday in a knife-edge vote that may hold the key to President Barack Obama’s diplomatic pivot to Asia. The Senate vote is one of a likely series …

GM Under Pressure to Establish Victim Compensation Fund

Pressure built on General Motors on Monday to take steps to get 1.6 million of its recalled cars off the road immediately and to establish a compensation fund for consumers affected by the company’s faulty ignition switches linked to 12 …

Low Obamacare Enrollment Figures Add to Pressure on White House

About 106,000 people signed up for insurance coverage nationally under President Barack Obama’s healthcare law during October, the government said on Wednesday, a tiny fraction of the millions of people that had been expected to enroll for next year. The …

Hurricane Sandy Silences Atlantic City’s Casinos

Hurricane Sandy has silenced the thousands of slot machines and high-rollers who normally crowd the black jack and roulette tables of Atlantic City, but the resort’s casino companies wager they could be back in business within days. The storm that …

Federal Debt Negotiators Eye Limiting Health Insurance Tax Break

Limiting the tax break for employer-provided health insurance became a bargaining chip on Friday in congressional negotiations to beat an Aug. 2 deadline for averting a U.S. default. “Limiting the deduction for the higher income brackets is something that is …

Senate Passes Tax Cut Plan, 81-19

A deal that President Barack Obama struck with Republicans to extend expiring tax cuts for nearly every working American and spur job growth sailed through the U.S. Senate Wednesday. The Senate passed the legislation in a 81 to 19 vote. …

House Set to Debate Oil Liability Bill

Three months after the catastrophic oil rig explosion that sent millions of gallons of crude spewing into the Gulf of Mexico, the House of was poised Friday to debate legislation clamping down on the industry’s offshore drilling practices. The Democratic-led …