Articles by Margaret Collins and Richard Rubin

How Supreme Court Marriage Ruling Affects Gay Couples’ Finances

The Supreme Court’s decision to allow same- sex marriage nationwide will remove tax and personal finance headaches that have bedeviled gay couples. The 5-4 decision by the court (Obergefell v. Hodges) is a particularly significant victory for many residents of …

IRS Weighs Rules on Hedge Fund Managers’ Use of Reinsurance

Hedge fund managers including billionaire John Paulson won’t immediately face new limits on their use of insurance in offshore tax havens, after the IRS proposed rules and chose not to make them effective now. The Internal Revenue Service rules, released …

Hedge Fund-Backed Bermuda Ventures Could Be at Risk From IRS

Investment vehicles set up by Paulson & Co. and Highbridge Capital Management in tax-friendly Bermuda may be under threat from the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. The IRS, in proposed rules published Thursday, said that the favorable treatment enjoyed by insurers …

House Committee Approves Bill to Repeal Estate Tax

The 99-year-old U.S. estate tax would disappear under a bill approved Wednesday by the House Ways and Means Committee. The legislation, backed on a 22-10 party-line vote, would benefit about 5,500 families who pay the tax each year plus thousands …

House Republicans Plan Vote on Estate Tax Repeal

The House Ways and Means Committee plans to vote this week on a bill to repeal the U.S. estate tax, said Doug Andres, a spokesman for committee chairman Paul Ryan, a Wisconsin Republican. The move to repeal the estate tax …

No Such Thing As Free Lunch? IRS Eyes High-Tech Perk

Be careful when you grab that office bagel. The Internal Revenue Service may be watching. The U.S. tax agency is taking a closer look at a popular tax-exempt perk offered by companies such as Google Inc.: free meals. “There’s really …

Obama Administration Weighing Options to Curb Corporate Inversions

The U.S. Treasury Department is examining unilateral actions to curb corporate inversions, reversing its position that only Congress has the authority to stop or slow the deals. About three weeks after Secretary Jacob J. Lew said officials had scoured “obscure …

Largest Insurers Would Face Asset Tax Under GOP Plan

The biggest U.S. banks and insurance companies would have to pay a quarterly 3.5 basis-point tax on assets exceeding $500 billion under a plan to be unveiled this week by Congress’s top Republican tax writer. The proposal by Representative Dave …

IRS Reports Big Jump in Identity Theft Probes

The Internal Revenue Service started 1,492 criminal investigations into the use of tax returns to commit identity theft in the year that ended Sept. 30, a 66 percent increase, the agency said today. The data release comes less than a …