Articles by Rick Dennen

Rick Dennen is the founder, president & CEO of Indianapolis-based Oak Street Funding, a First Financial Bank company with customized loan products and services for specialty lines of business including certified public accountants, registered investment advisors and insurance agents nationwide.

Selling an Agency: Plan Early for Peace of Mind

A goal without a plan is just a wish. Successful agency owners strategically plan business operations thinking ahead several years. Yet how many owners consider the end game in those plans? Are you building an agency to sell? If so, …

Retirement Planning via Partner Buyouts

Baby boomers are retiring sooner rather than later. In fact, by 2030, all baby boomers will have turned 65, which adds up to some 75 million potential retirees. Many put their life’s work into building sustainable businesses, including insurance firms. …

How to Partner with a Lender

Lenders pulled back on business loans amid COVID-19, tightening criteria and even halting traditional loans to focus on Paycheck Protection Program loans. With the PPP program closed, insurance agency owners and leaders are returning to traditional lending for financing. As …

How Debt Is Used as a Strategic Tool for Growth

If you would like to expand or transform your insurance business, you will likely need to invest additional capital — debt and/or equity. This could mean borrowing, which means taking on debt. However, most insurance professionals are conservative by nature, …

Cultivating a management mentality

A common misconception among agency owners who began their careers in sales is the belief that agency management and sales management are the same. The art and science of agency management require a unique set of managerial skills that are …