Articles by Robert L. Carson

In the oil and gas sector, all policies are not the same

Make sure the coverages in the O&G contract are the ones your client wants — and needs (Editor’s note: This is the fourth article in a series by Robert Carson addressing insurance protection for the oil and gas operator. The …

In the oil and gas sector, all policies are not the same

In previous articles on this subject I have preached the virtues of watching out for the four “C’s” of insurance protection for the oil and gas operator — contracts, coverages, costs and claims — and they remain as important areas …

In the oil and gas sector, all policies are not the same

Make sure the coverages in the O&G contract are the ones your client wants — and needs (Editor’s note: This is the fourth article in a series by Robert Carson addressing insurance protection for the oil and gas operator. The …

What brokers need to watch for in Oil & Gas coverage

There are common problems that may arise in the provision of coverage for Oil & Gas operators. Among those for which the broker should be on the lookout are: The International Association of Drilling Contractors Drilling Contract makes the operator …

For Oil & Gas operators, contracts and coverages go hand in hand

When discussing insurance coverages for the Oil and Gas operator the term that really should be employed is “contracts/coverages,” because it is nearly impossible to separate the two–they go hand in hand. The basic coverages for the operator working over …

For O & G operators, contracts and coverages go hand in hand

(Editor’s note: This is the third article in a series addressing risk management for the Oil and Gas operator. The first appeared in the Aug. 22, 2005, issue of Insurance Journal-Texas/South Central, the second ran in the Nov. 21, 2005, …

For O&G operators, contracts and coverages go hand in hand

(Editor’s note: This is the third article in a series of five addressing risk management for oil and gas operators. The first article appeared in the Aug. 22, 2005, issue of the West region edition on page 66. The second …

The Four C’s of Risk Management for Oil and Gas Operator – Managing Contracts

Editor’s note: This is the second article in a series on risk management for oil and gas operators. The first article appeared in the Aug. 22, 2005, issue of Insurance Journal West region edition on page 66. In the first …

The Four C’s of Risk Management for the Oil and Gas Operator – Contracts

(Editor’s note: This is the second in a series of articles on risk management for oil and gas operators. The first appeared in the Aug. 22, 2005, issue of Insurance Journal–Texas/South Central.) In the first article of this series we …

The Four C’s of Risk Management for the Oil and Gas Operator

In what seems a lifetime of handling risk management and insurance for oil and gas operators (well, I guess it is a lifetime if you are under thirty-five years of age), I have come to the realization that the functions …