Articles by Robert P. Hartwig, Ph.D.

Have Insurers Lost the Capacity to Run an Underwriting Profit?

We frequently hear people ask, “When is the next hard market going to come?” And by that they typically mean double-digit increases in premium growth for a sustained period of time. Of course, no one knows. But perhaps more importantly, …

Survey of Analysts Projects Healthy Underwriting Profits

I.I.I.’s Earlybird Forecast predicts negative premium growth but continued profitability in 2008 Next year may go down on record as one of the best insurance industry underwriting performances in the past 80 years, according to an industry survey of Wall …

A look behind the very good P/C results for 2006

The numbers, or estimates, for the property casualty insurance industry for 2006 are in. Dr Robert Hartwig, president and chief economist of the Insurance Information Institute, discussed them with Insurance Journal’s Andrew Simpson at III’s Joint Property Casualty Insurance Conference …

Analysts predict faster P/C premium growth, underwriting profit

Each year the Insurance Information Institute invites a panel of Wall Street stock analysts and industry professionals to review the prospects for the industry in the year ahead. This year’s survey results indicate an expectation that record catastrophe losses will …

2006 looking good already for P/C industry

‘The expectation for a third consecutive underwriting profit in 2006 is, of course, predicated on the belief that catastrophe activity will return to more “normal” levels. Record catastrophe losses will weigh heavily on 2005’s underwriting results, according to the Insurance …

2006 already looking good for the property/casualty industry

Record catastrophe losses will weigh heavily on 2005’s underwriting results, according to the Insurance Information Institute’s recent “Earlybird Forecast Survey,” but the survey of Wall Street stock analysts and industry professionals also indicates that the industry will bounce back in …

2005 P/C industry in a word: Resilience

The property/casualty insurance industry reported a statutory rate of return on average surplus of 9.5 percent through the first nine months of 2005, marginally below the 10.5 percent average return recorded during calendar year 2004. The results were released by …

Insurance Information Institute Unveils Earlybird Forecast for 2004

Each year the Insurance Information Institute invites a panel of Wall Street stock analysts and industry professionals to review the prospects for the industry in the current and coming year. The survey reveals that the industry’s unrelenting streak of bad …

Commentary on First Half 2003 Results

The property/casualty insurance industry reported a statutory rate of return of 9.7 percent in the first half of 2003, up from a disappointing 1.0 percent in 2002 and the worst-ever negative 2.4 percent recorded in 2001. The results were released …

Commentary on First Half 2003 Results

The property/casualty insurance industry reported a statutory rate of return of 9.7 percent in the first half of 2003, up from a disappointing 1.0 percent in 2002 and the worst-ever negative 2.4 percent recorded in 2001. The results were released …