Articles by Robert Redfearn, Jr.

Insureds Must Know What’s In Their Flood Policies

In this litigious day and age, lawsuits alleging breach of the insurance policies, bad faith, unfair claims handling, unfair settlement practices or negligence by an insurance agent are so common that they are not considered particularly unique. Attorneys, insurers, insureds …

The Paradox of Flood Insurance Coverage

You May Not Know What You Think You Know About Flood Insurance Claims The Fifth Circuit has held that insureds have a duty to read and understand the terms of their SFIP. Whether you are an attorney, an insurance agent, …

Successive Hurricanes: Potential Windfall for Insureds?

The 2008 hurricane season came very close to presenting, on a large scale, the potential quandary caused by successive losses. On Sept.1, 2008, Hurricane Gustav came ashore and caused substantial damage from the Louisiana coast on inland, although not to …

Successive Hurricanes: Potential Windfall for Insureds?

The 2008 hurricane season came very close to presenting, on a large scale, the potential quandary caused by successive losses. On Sept.1, 2008, Hurricane Gustav came ashore and caused substantial damage from the Louisiana coast on inland, although not to …

Defining ‘Professional Services’ For Specialty Policies Not Always Easy

Professional services” can have connotations ranging from racy “professional” call girls to the more mundane accountants, doctors, lawyers and engineers. From an insurance perspective, liability arising out of “professional services” is generally covered under specialty policies — such as malpractice, …

Professional Services: Do You Know Them When You See Them?

The complex medical field with its often personalized treatments can be more difficult to define than other professions “Professional services” can have many different connotations, ranging from racy “professional” call girls, a subject recently in the headlines and on the …

La.’s Valued Policy Law: New Teeth for Hurricane Claims?

Property damage from hurricanes primarily comes from two sources: wind and water. Insurance coverage for property damaged by wind, and by rain water which enters the property as a result of wind damage, is generally provided through homeowner and business …

Catastrophic Events Raise Business Interruption Coverage Questions

Considering the number of people who lived and worked in the area, the destruction of the World Trade Center complex was the functional equivalent of obliterating a small- to medium-sized city. Several recent and relatively recent events — the wildfires …

A closer look at tricky coverage issues

Potential liability risks vary as greatly as the type of event Whether for fund-raising, educational or recreational purposes, special events are a fairly common occurrence in today’s society. It is a rare weekend when some community or civic organization is …

Claims against insurance agents and brokers: Timing is everything

Flood policies at heart of many cases against Gulf Coast producers In the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, many insurance agents and brokers in Louisiana and Mississippi and, to some extent, in Texas have found themselves being sued for …