Articles by Ben Berkowitz and Roberta Rampton

Superstorm Sandy Will Test Federal Flood Insurance Program

Superstorm Sandy is threatening to drag the U.S. government’s debt-ridden flood insurance program back into the political crosshairs just months after Congress attempted to put the controversial program on a sound financial footing. It is unclear if claims from Sandy, …

Gulf States Pressure Obama Over BP Spill Settlement Funds

Senators from the U.S. Gulf Coast urged President Barack Obama on Friday to ensure that any legal settlement for the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill does not undermine a recently passed law that would funnel billions of dollars worth …

Obama Tightens Sanctions on Banks Helping Iran Sell Oil

President Barack Obama announced new U.S. sanctions on Tuesday against foreign banks that help Iran sell its oil and said the measure would increase pressure on Tehran for failing to meet its international nuclear obligations. Obama’s decision, in an executive …

US Congressional Negotiators Reach Deal on New Iran Sanctions

U.S. lawmakers moved a step closer to finalizing new sanctions aimed at further restricting Iran’s oil revenues after negotiators from the Senate and House of Representatives agreed on a compromise bill on Monday. The bill includes several new provisions seeking …

Congress Agrees on Multi-Year Flood Insurance Extension, Reforms

The U.S. House of Representatives passed a massive bill on Friday combining funding for transportation programs, low-interest student loans, and the National Flood Insurance Program. On a 373-52 vote, the House sent the measure to the Senate which passed it, …

Senate Passes Tougher Iran Sanctions

The U.S. Senate unanimously approved on Monday a package of new economic sanctions on Iran’s oil sector just days ahead of a meeting in Baghdad between major world powers and Tehran. The sanctions add to a raft of punitive measures …

Senate Bill on Iran Sanctions Targets Banks, Subsidiaries, Insurers

Banking transactions with Iran and financing for its oil shipments could come under tougher scrutiny after a bipartisan sanctions bill easily passed a key U.S. Senate Committee on Thursday. The Senate Banking Committee passed a bill that lawmakers hope will …

U.S. Report on BP Oil Spill Imminent

A U.S. government team investigating last year’s massive Gulf of Mexico oil spill will blame BP and its contractors for mistakes that led to the disaster in a report expected out as early as Wednesday, according to the Wall Street …

East Coast Quake Shook US Nuclear Plant Twice as Hard as Design Allowed

Preliminary data from the U.S. Geological Survey shows last month’s record earthquake in the eastern United States may have shaken a Dominion Resources nuclear plant twice as hard it was designed to withstand, a spokesman for the U.S. nuclear safety …

Nuclear Agency to Conduct Safety Check of U.S. Plants

The top U.S. nuclear regulator Wednesday approved the launch of a safety review of U.S. nuclear reactors sought by President Barack Obama in response to the ongoing crisis at Japan’s Fukushima plant. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission voted to create an …