Articles by Roger H. Schmelzer

Guaranty Fund System Continues to Deliver

At the heart of every property and casualty insurance contract lies a promise to soften the blow of misfortune. But what happens when an insurance company becomes financially troubled, fails and is no longer able to uphold its end of …

Guaranty Fund System Continues to Deliver

Funds fulfill statutory promise to protect policyholders At the heart of every property and casualty insurance contract lies a promise to soften the blow of misfortune. But what happens when an insurance company becomes financially troubled, fails and is no …

A state-based insurance safety net

The best choice for consumers is the tried and true property/casualty guaranty fund system administered by the states From almost the moment Gramm-Leach-Bliley was signed into law in late 1999, discussion turned to the question of state or federal regulation …

A state-based insurance safety net

The best choice for consumers is the tried and true property/casualty guaranty fund system administered by the states From almost the moment Gramm-Leach-Bliley was signed into law in late 1999, discussion turned to the question of state or federal regulation …

A state-based insurance safety net

The best choice for consumers is the tried and true property/casualty guaranty fund system administered by the states From almost the moment Gramm-Leach-Bliley was signed into law in late 1999, discussion turned to the question of state or federal regulation …

A state-based insurance safety net

The best choice for consumers is the tried and true property/casualty guaranty fund system administered by the states From almost the moment Gramm-Leach-Bliley was signed into law in late 1999, discussion turned to the question of state or federal regulation …

A state-based insurance safety net

The best choice for consumers is the tried and true property/casualty guaranty fund system administered by the states From almost the moment Gramm-Leach-Bliley was signed into law in late 1999, discussion turned to the question of state or federal regulation …

Mutuals’ SOX Success

The insurance industry effects real public policy change when our arguments are based on principle. Presented in an assertive, thoughtful and focused manner, we can succeed. Recent developments in the National Association of Insurance Commissioners’ effort to mandate non-public insurance …

SMART: An Opportunity to Re-Energize States

Through the State Modernization And Regulatory Transparency Act (SMART Act), Congressmen Michael Oxley (R-Ohio), and Richard Baker (R-La.), have made a creative initial proposal to re-energize state insurance regulation based on principles of competition and uniformity. It is important to …

SMART: An Opportunity to Re-Energize States

Through the State Modernization And Regulatory Transparency Act (SMART Act), Congressmen Michael Oxley, R-Ohio, and Richard Baker, R-La., have made a creative initial proposal to re-energize state insurance regulation based on principles of competition and uniformity. It is important to …