Articles by Ron Jenkins

Henry Scores Historic win Over Istook in Okla. Governor’s Race

Democratic Gov. Brad Henry’s victory over Republican Rep. Ernest Istook was the biggest landslide in an Oklahoma governor’s race in almost half a century. Henry, a little-known state senator when he upset a football hero in 2002, rolled up 615,973 …

Sharing Power Seen as Option for Evenly Split Oklahoma Senate

Democratic and Republican state Senate leaders in Oklahoma may follow the lead of their counterparts in other states and share power if the chamber has a tie in membership after the Nov. 7 general election, officials said. Several states have …

Okla. AG Goes After Insurance Commissioner Race Ads

Negative television commercials paid for by a Texas-based group against Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner Kim Holland have prompted Attorney General Drew Edmondson to call for a new ethics rule. Edmondson said he had talked with Ethics Commission officials about adopting a …

Okla. Lawmakers Fight Easier Access to Candidate Information

The Oklahoma Ethics Commission is ready to go with a new computer system that would give the public instant Internet access to information about who donates what to political candidates this year. But to the exasperation of members of the …

Okla. Tax Proposals: Boon for Companies-Including Insurers-and Wealthy?

Two tax-credit programs now under intense legislative scrutiny could mean some of Oklahoma’s wealthiest taxpayers, both individuals and corporations, will pay no state income taxes for up to 10 years, officials say. Under the program, insurance companies also qualify for …

Okla. Among ‘Moderate States’ When it Comes to Lawsuit Liability

Oklahoma’s civil justice system ranks No. 33 among states in a national survey of lawyers representing insurance companies and public corporations and was judged better than some nearby states that have restricted the size of lawsuit damage awards. The 2006 …

Health Insurance Plan for Small Business Passed in Okla.

A bill to expand a program that provides subsidies to cover much of the health insurance costs of employees of small businesses won approval Mar. 2 in the Oklahoma Senate. In other action, senators passed a bill to cut estate …

Holland Seeks Four Years as Okla.’s Insurance Chief

Kim Holland, appointed by Oklahoma Gov. Brad Henry as state insurance commissioner a year ago, formally announced Feb. 23 that she will run for a full four-year term. Her announcement came two days after her predecessor, Carroll Fisher, was sentenced …