Articles by Ron Lent

Agents Errors & Omissions

If ever there was a time for insurance agents to get out and go looking for a better errors and omissions policy, this is the season. Agents who do will come across several admitted carriers that are welcoming new business …

Agents capitalize on soft market opportunities when buying E&O

Jim Armitage of California and Jonathan Geib of Tennessee are among the numerous independent agents who are looking for higher professional liability limits, and why not. Soft market conditions prevail in today’s agent errors and omissions liability market. Armitage has …

More agents turn to outside organizations to access markets, study finds

More independent agents are seeking outside help to access markets and arrange other business services, according to a newly-released survey presented by the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America (IIABA). IIABA’s report, titled the “2006 Agency Universe” study, claims …

Strength in Numbers: How networks and clusters brighten agents’ access to markets

Today’s demands on independent agents are plentiful: competition, risk management, compensation disclosure, quality markets and carrier’s demands for premium quotas, to name a few. Such demands could be one reason some agencies today have increased their use of market access …

Franchisor helps Kansas agent change course

Longtime Kansas independent agent Jack Cassell had never dreamed of going into business for himself, but all that changed nine years ago. That’s when insurance agency franchisor Brooke Franchise Corp. entered the picture for Cassell. Through different Brooke operations, Cassell …

Ex-California Commissioner Low Praises His Successor, Garamendi

Former California Insurance Commis-sioner Harry Low is singing the praises of John Garamendi, who is both Low’s successor and predecessor as overseer of the state’s insurance industry. In a way, Low’s verbal bouquets seem somewhat surprising. Both are longtime Democrats, …