Articles by John Hanna, Heather Hollingsworth and Ryan J. Foley

Kansas Oil Spill Biggest in Keystone History

TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) _ A ruptured pipe dumped enough oil this week into a northeastern Kansas creek to nearly fill an Olympic-sized swimming pool, becoming the largest onshore crude pipeline spill in nine years and surpassing all the previous ones …

Former Iowa Anchor Wants Age Bias Lawsuit to Change TV News

As a prominent reporter and anchor at one of Iowa’s biggest local television stations, Sonya Heitshusen was known for doggedly investigating injustices and holding the powerful accountable. A year after WHO-TV in Des Moines abruptly let her go, she is …

New University of Iowa Utilities Contractor Fined After Worker’s Fall

A contractor that recently took over management of the University of Iowa utility system has been cited for safety violations after a worker fell into an underground steam tunnel and was injured, newly released records show. The Iowa Occupational Safety …

Teen on Life Support After Deadly Iowa Adventure Park Incident

A teenager injured in an accident on an Iowa amusement ride that killed his younger brother remained on life support Wednesday as he turned 16, his family pastor said. David Jaramillo has been in a medically induced coma at Blank …

Iowa Regulator Halts Amusement Ride After Accident Kills Boy

A regulator has ordered an Iowa amusement park not to restart a popular boat ride pending an investigation into an accident that killed an 11-year-old boy and left his brother in critical condition. Iowa Labor Commissioner Rod Roberts signed an …

Clergy Sex Abuse in Iowa Was ‘Overwhelming’ But Now Rare, Report Says

Roman Catholic priests sexually abused minors across Iowa for decades while church leaders covered it up, but reforms implemented in recent years have largely stopped the problem, a three-year review by Iowa’s attorney general concluded. A report issued by Attorney …

Ruling Limits Safety-Based Drug Testing at Iowa Warehouses

The Iowa Supreme Court has ruled that employers cannot subject all warehouse employees to random drug testing by designating them as having “safety sensitive” jobs. In its 4-3 ruling, the court ruled that companies must consider the specific duties of …

High Court Ruling Limits Safety-Based Drug Testing at Iowa Warehouses

The Iowa Supreme Court ruled on June 25 that employers cannot subject all warehouse employees to random drug testing by designating them as having “safety sensitive” jobs. In its 4-3 ruling, the court ruled that companies must consider the specific …

Insurer to Pay $8M Settlement in Suit by Black Man Paralyzed by Iowa Officer

An insurance company for the City of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, will pay $8 million to a Black motorist who was paralyzed after a white police officer shot him during a 2016 traffic stop, both sides announced on April 19. The …

Suit Over Iowa Trooper’s Alleged Misconduct Settled for $225K

Iowa will pay $225,000 to settle a lawsuit filed by a man who was injured when a state trooper knocked him over and put his knee on his neck during a 2017 traffic stop, according to documents. The payment to …