Articles by Sahil Kapur and Andrew Harris, Bloomberg

Trump Now Sides With Those Hoping to Pull Plug on All of Obamacare

The Trump administration is siding with Obamacare opponents who argue that it is unconstitutional and should be scrapped entirely, initiating a new, more aggressive assault on the health care law that will assure the issue will be squarely at the …

Republican States’ Court Fight to End Obamacare Begins as Midterm Politics Heat Up

A Republican-led lawsuit seeking to nullify Obamacare will be spotlighted in court in the final months of congressional election campaigns, giving Democrats political fodder and sending GOP candidates in competitive races looking for cover. Oral arguments seeking to block the …

Senate Republicans Prepare Pre-Existing Condition Bill in Case Obamacare Nixed

Ten Senate Republicans have introduced legislation that would reinstate Obamacare rules that prohibit insurers from turning away people with pre-existing conditions if a new lawsuit that seeks to invalidate the healthcare law succeeds. The legislation comes two weeks before oral …

Republicans Eye Tax Law Fix for Sexual Harassment Settlements

Republicans are considering a fix to a provision in their new tax law that they acknowledge could inadvertently penalize victims of sexual harassment in the workplace. But congressional gridlock before midterm elections in November means there’s no guarantee that the …

How Republicans’ Senate, House Tax Bills Differ

Expiring tax cuts, business perks and health care politics loom over House and Senate Republicans as they face the daunting task of hammering out the differences between their competing bills to rewrite the U.S. tax code. Different versions of the …

GOP Tax Bill Could Include Repeal of Obamacare Individual Mandate

President Donald Trump called Wednesday for repealing the Obamacare individual mandate in a tax overhaul, a day before House GOP leaders planned to unveil a bill without that provision. In a pair of tweets, Trump said: “Wouldn’t it be great …

Senators Discussing Bipartisan Health Insurance Bill

More than half a dozen Republican and Democratic senators have discussed alternatives to the embattled GOP health-care bill, even as Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said he plans a vote next week to muscle the Obamacare repeal measure through the Senate. …

House Republicans Report Progress on Another Health Plan to Replace Obamacare

The conservative House Freedom Caucus that helped derail the GOP’s effort last month to repeal Obamacare has formally endorsed a revised measure, potentiality giving it a new lease on life. “While the revised version still does not fully repeal Obamacare, …

Trump Ends Negotiations, Demands Vote on Republican Healthcare Bill

The Trump administration doubled down on its demand that House Republican leaders hold a vote Friday on their embattled healthcare bill without any changes and with lingering uncertainty about whether they have enough support to pass the measure. “After seven …

Republicans Ready to Repeal Obamacare, Work Out Replacement Later

The first major act of the unified Republican government in 2017 will be a vote in Congress to begin tearing down Obamacare. But the euphoria of finally acting on a long-sought goal will quickly give way to the reality that …