Articles by Sam Hananel

Obama Administration Urges Supreme Court to Reject Marijuana Lawsuit

Despite its opposition to making marijuana use legal, the Obama administration is urging the Supreme Court to reject a lawsuit from Nebraska and Oklahoma that seeks to declare Colorado’s pot legalization unconstitutional. The Justice Department’s top courtroom lawyer said in …

Supreme Court May Get ‘Disparate Impact’ Housing Case

It’s not easy to prevent the Supreme Court from deciding an issue once the justices have agreed to hear a case. But over the past two years, civil rights advocates have managed to do just that by coaxing settlements in …

Supreme Court Nixes Suit Against Officer Brought in Another State

The Supreme Court ruled this week that a Georgia police officer could not be sued in Nevada over the seizure of money from two travelers at an Atlanta airport. In a unanimous decision, the justices said a lawsuit against officer …

Democrats Question Government Contracts to Firms with Safety, Labor Violations

The federal government awards billions of dollars in contracts each year to companies that routinely violate safety, health and wage regulations, according to a report that calls for stricter measures to hold federal contractors accountable. The study from Democratic leaders …

New York Train Wreck Could Be Case of Highway Hypnosis

It’s sometimes called highway hypnosis or white-line fever, and it’s familiar to anyone who has driven long distances along a monotonous route.Drivers are lulled into a semi-trance state and reach their destination with little or no memory of parts of …

New York Train Wreck Engineer Suspended Without Pay

The engineer driving the speeding commuter train that derailed in New York City last weekend, killing four people, has been suspended without pay, a railroad spokesman said Thursday.William Rockefeller is “out of service, and not being paid,” the spokesman for …

OSHA Proposes Silica Dust Limits

Federal regulators are proposing a long-awaited rule that would dramatically limit workplace exposure to silica dust. Officials at the Occupational Safety and Health Administration say the new limits would save nearly 700 lives each year and prevent thousands of illnesses, …

U.S. Sues BMW, Dollar General Over Use of Criminal Records in Hiring

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filed lawsuits this week against discount retailer Dollar General Corp. and a BMW manufacturing plant in South Carolina over their use of criminal background checks to screen out job applicants or fire employees. In both …

Workplace Bullying Emerging As Major Employment Liability Battleground

Margaret Fiester is no shrinking violet, but she says working for her former boss was a nightmare. “One day I didn’t do something right and she actually laid her hands on me and got up in my face and started …

Government Sends Message by ‘Super-Sizing’ Employment Bias Cases

It started with allegations of hangman’s nooses, graffiti and racist comments targeting a handful of black workers at a trucking company warehouse in Chicago Ridge, Ill. Four years later, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission had turned the case into a …