Articles by Sam Hananel

Railroad Retaliated By Firing Workers Reporting Injuries: OSHA

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is ordering railroad operator Norfolk Southern to pay more than $800,000 for firing a South Carolina worker and two others after they reported injuries on the job. Safety officials said that the incidents are …

OSHA Hit for Taking Too Long to Adopt Workplace Safety Rules

The nation’s premier worker safety agency takes nearly eight years on average to adopt new safety regulations, government auditors said in a report. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration takes far too long compared to other agencies, safety experts said …

OSHA Hit for Taking Too Long to Adopt Workplace Safety Rules

The nation’s premier worker safety agency takes nearly eight years on average to adopt new safety regulations, government auditors said in a report. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration takes far too long compared to other agencies, safety experts said …

Facebook Policies Tricky for Employers, Employees

In the age of instant tweets and impulsive Facebook posts, some companies are still trying to figure out how they can limit what their employees say about work online without running afoul of the law. Confusion about what workers can …

Industry Balks as Democrats Press for Mine Safety, OSHA Changes

Prompted by the deadly explosion in April that killed 29 coal miners in West Virginia, a House of Representatives committee recently approved sweeping mine and workplace safety reforms. The 30-17 vote came over the objections of the mine industry despite …

Mine Safety Officials Rebut Massey On Ventilation Claims

Mine safety officials are painting a portrait of ineptitude and confusion by officials at Massey Energy Co. in the months before an explosion at the company’s West Virginia mine killed 29 men. The depiction — in an internal memo from …

House Committee Passes Mine Safety Bill As Industry Protests

A House panel this week approved sweeping mine and workplace safety reforms prompted by the deadly explosion in April that killed 29 coal miners in West Virginia. The 30-17 vote came over the objections of the mine industry despite last-minute …

Mining Firms Complain Democrats’ Safety Bill Too Harsh

The nation’s top mine safety official urged quick passage this week of a bill that would crack down on mines with safety problems, despite industry complaints that the legislation is too punitive. Mine Safety and Health Administration director Joe Main …

CEO Defends Massey Over West Virginia Mine Safety

The embattled head of Massey Energy Co. went on the defensive Thursday as he faced angry lawmakers who claim the company’s indifference toward safety led to the nation’s worst mining disaster in 40 years. Massey chief executive Don Blankenship told …

Computer Error Kept West Virginia Mine from Receiving Safety Warning

A computer error prevented the West Virginia coal mine where 29 workers died in an explosion last week from receiving a warning about safety violations and a demand that the operator improve conditions in 90 days, according to federal officials. …