Articles by Sara Kugler

N.Y. City Rules Require Film Shoots to Have Permits, Insurance

Filmmakers and photographers who shoot on New York City’s streets and sidewalks now have a clear set of rules dictating when they must obtain permits, after years of relying on loose guidelines that civil liberties advocates said were too vague. …

Senior NYC Crane Inspector Accused of Corruption

A senior city buildings official signed off on crane inspections he didn’t perform and helped crane operators cheat on licensing exams in exchange for thousands of dollars in bribes, but his actions do not appear to be connected to two …

Cranes Looming Over Manhattan Pose Constant Risk

They are part of New York’s skyline: hundreds of spindly construction cranes like the one that toppled over the St. Patrick’s Day weekend, pulverizing parts of a city block below and killing seven people. As the machines work furiously amid …

Hundreds of Cranes Loom Over Dense New York City, Pose Constant Risk

They are part of New York’s skyline: hundreds of spindly construction cranes like the one that toppled over the weekend, pulverizing parts of a city block below and killing seven people. As the machines work furiously amid a supercharged building …

FDNY Now Inspects Hundreds of Buildings on Time after Deadly Fire

Until a deadly blaze in a condemned ground zero skyscraper this summer spurred scrutiny of inspection records, the New York fire department didn’t know that some construction and demolition sites existed. Many were believed never to have been inspected. Now, …

Citing Lapses in Deutsche Bank Fire, N.Y. City Orders Building Inspections

New York City ordered fire inspectors to examine hundreds of buildings under construction or demolition after an investigation found numerous planning and safety failures at an abandoned ground zero skyscraper where two firefighters died. Three senior fire officials said to …