Articles by Scott McFetridge

Des Moines, Iowa Officials to Investigate Pungent Odor from Pork Plants

Parts of downtown Des Moines have been so transformed in the past decade by new apartments, trendy shops and microbreweries, it’s sometimes hard to reconcile the present with the not-so-distant past. But one strong reminder of the city’s heritage remains: …

After Flooding, Davenport, Iowa, Now Mulling Mississippi River Wall

Hundreds of communities line the Mississippi River on its 2,348-mile journey to the Gulf of Mexico, but Davenport, Iowa, stands out for the simple reason that people there can actually dip their toes in the river without scaling a flood …

Rain Leaves Midwest Veggie Farmers Struggling With No Aid on Horizon

Like farmers throughout the Midwest, this spring’s torrential rains turned Andrew Dunham’s land into sticky muck that set him back nearly a month in planting his crops. Unlike other farmers, though, Dunham won’t get a piece of a $16 billion …

Omaha Answers Pothole Complaints with New Dirt Roads

For miles and miles Omaha stretches on, one tidy, suburban-style neighborhood after another filled with modern low-slung houses set on spacious lawns with towering oaks and elms. It’s a model of comfortable mid-American living, with one unusual exception: thanks to …

Some Midwest Cities Limiting Sledding Due to Liability Concerns

As anyone who has grown up around snow knows, part of the fun of sledding is the risk of soaring off a jump or careening around a tree. But faced with the potential bill from sledding injuries, some Iowa cities …